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Soulmates. the were a thing, or at least thats what Doc had heard his whole life. everyone had a soulmate and everyone had matching marks. Doc knew his was on the back of his neck, he'd never personally seen it, but he knew it was on his neck. sometime after turning 40, he started covering it. he was beginning to think he didn't have one, or maybe his was dead, when he felt it one day. the pain. Soulmates could feel each others pain and his soulmate had to be the clumsiest person on the planet. or maybe they had a dangerous job. they were almost always in pain and it was bad enough that Doc tried to take better care of himself so his soulmate wouldn't go around feeling his pain as well. he had no expectations of ever meeting his soulmate, especially when he moved into Radiator Springs. it was interesting to see the others our here. Flo and Ramone had matching symbols on their hands, the two were happy soulmates. Guido and Luigi had matching symbols on their arms. Doc had quickly learned soulmate didn't always mean lover when he met those two. they were best friends, not lovers. Sheriff had his over his heart, though his wife had died many years ago in an accident. Sally had hers on her inner right calf. he hadn't really seen Reds or Maters, but he knew Maters was on his foot. by the time he hit 60 Doc had completely accepted he would die without meeting his soulmate. until one day, about a year ago.

it had been the middle of summer, it was hot, and court was in session. someone had torn through Radiator Springs and made a mess of everything. Doc wasn't having a good morning, apparently his soulmate hadn't had a good night. his eye was throbbing this morning, but he ignored it.

"alright Sheriff, I wanna know who's responsible for wreckin' my town last night. I'm gonna put him in jail 'til the jail rots on top of him. I'm g-..." Doc cut himself off. the man in front of him couldn't be more than 24, probably about 40 years younger than Doc, and he an air of arrogance around him. he looked up and gave Doc a sheepish smile. his left eye was swollen shut and Doc was immediately reminded his left eye was throbbing. he blinked slightly, there was a pain in the back of his neck. the younger man shifted some, reaching up to rub the back of his own neck. "throw him outta here. I want him out of my courtroom Sheriff, outta my town. case dismissed." Doc had said. of course then Sally had come in and made a mess of everything, but after a while he'd found himself grateful.

now a year later, Doc was beginning to get nervous. he and Lightning, the young man who had wrecked his town last year and pretended to be an asshole, but was really a sweetheart, had become almost friends. the two would have a beer together after training, relax with the others from Radiator Springs after a race. the kid was getting better at racing and they were becoming fast friends. Lightning had even told him about his past, the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of his father, the running away from home as soon as he could. Doc understood why the younger had acted the way he had.

right now the two were sitting outside of Flos, talking with Sally and Sheriff, but Docs attention was on Red. the younger man was rubbing his shoulder a lot lately, ever since he'd met Mack. Mack, Lightnings driver, was an interesting character too. none of Docs business, but he'd seen both of their symbols. the two were soulmates, doesn't wasn't sure which kind. friends or lovers. Doc had been watching the two carefully, paying more attention to the two talking than his own conversation.

"Doc?" Lightning ask, raising an eye brow.

"hmm?" Doc ask turning quickly to look at them.

"you okay?" Sally ask worriedly.

"yeah just wondering when Red and Mack are going to realize their soulmates." Doc said.

"what?" Lightning ask.

"how do you know that?" Sheriff ask.

"I'm the town doctor. I've seen all of your soulmate marks." Doc said. "when Red came in last week with that sunburn, from watching you race kid," Doc said looking at Lightning. "I saw his mark. on his right shoulder. look at him rub it when Mack gets too close." Doc said, turning against to look at Red. Mack had of course walked over to talk to him and Red winced, a little rubbing his shoulder. it would hurt the both of them until they realized they were soulmates. the others turned to look, but Sally paused, catching a glimpse at the back of Docs neck. his mark was poking out over his shirt collar today. her eyes widened a little and she immediately looked away, staring at Red.

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