Chapter 14 - The Place I Belong

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Second update this week. Enjoy!


“Louis Styles.”

“Harry Tomlinson sounds better,” Louis protested, earning himself a glare from Harry.

“What’s wrong with my last name?” Harry pouted.

Louis smiled fondly, kissing the pout off of Harry’s lips. Harry, against his will, smiled into the kiss.

“Nothing, love,” replied Louis when he pulled away. Harry whimpered. “Horny, are we?”

“I like your lips. Is that a crime?”

“If I say yes, will you allow me to handcuff you?” teased Louis, his eyes sparkling mischievously. Harry swallowed.

“Only if you wear a cop uniform,” said Harry, his voice gruff and sending a wave of pleasure through the older boy.

“I reckon that could be –” He was interrupted by Harry’s lips on his own.

So that was how it would be.


As the warm weather seasons transitioned back into the cold weather seasons, Harry and Louis only grew more attached to each other. Hardly a moment went by without one of them murmuring an ‘I love you,’ to which the other would respond with a heated kiss and an affirmation that he felt the same way.

They were cuddled up one evening in Louis’ bed, which they has been doing more frequently because Harry slept better in Louis’ arms than he did in his room where he was alone with his thoughts. Also, they decided to watch some telly that night and Louis’ room was the only room in the cabin that had one.

We interrupt this program for a special newscast.

Harry looked at the older boy who was holding him with a perplexed expression. Louis just shrugged and continued to play with the other boy’s curls, tugging at them gently. Harry hummed in contentment as he did so.

We’re still looking for him said a familiar tearful voice. Harry froze.

We know he’s still out there said another familiar voice, the thick Irish drawl sending chills down Harry’s spine. And I’m sure I spoke with him recently on the street.

Harry began to shake, tremors taking over his entire body. This could not be happening. He was being so careful. He made sure…

“Haz… Harry… baby! What’s wrong?” Louis asked, panicked. He tried getting the other boy’s attention but soon, he stopped, realizing why Harry was so distraught.

“If you have any information on where my son Harry Edward Styles is, please contact us at the helpline number below. Any leads could make a difference between life and death and Harry needs your help to come home.”

Louis’ grip tightened painfully on Harry’s hair, causing Harry to gasp, tears of pain filling his eyes.


“Who are they?” Louis asked, his voice deadly calm.

“Louis –”


“My mum and best mate,” Harry gasped. “My mum and Niall –”

“You spoke with him?”

“I bumped into him in London! I was in disguise… he was handing me a flyer of myself… I used an American accent –”

Louis laughed cruelly, sending chills down Harry’s spine. He had never heard such a sound come out of his beautiful Louis’ mouth. He was too gentle, too kind…

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