chapter one

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I was woken up by a rustling sound. I jumped out of bed and realised it was dark out. I looked at my clock, 4.30 in the morning. Then i heard the rustling again, it was closer than the last one. Then there was another one, but now i realised that it came from downstairs. I ran over to my door and quickly but quietly locked it- i live alone so why do i hear something rustling from INSIDE my house!

I leaned with my back against my bedroom door and tried to breath as quiet as possible. There was no more sound coming from the other side. I leaned my ear against the door to get better access to anything that is happening on the other side..still i hear nothing.

I was trembling in fear, the fact that what was inside my house is unknown made it worse. I got the courage to softly run to my wand and held it close to my heart. 'God, don't let it be anything bad. Please, nothing too bad.' I whispered under my breath that is now shaking and uneven.

I slowly opened my door, peaked my head out- looking at the left and the right of the corridor- nothing. I slowly walked around the corner, walking down the stairs making sure i stepped on the right planks so it wouldn't creak.

I was now in front of the kitchen entry. *rustle* I gasped but quickly covered my mouth so no one could hear and hid in the corner of the hall next to a cupboard.

*creak* The planks on the floor made a sound. It came from the kitchen. *creak* Once again it was the floor. Clearly someone was still in the house and is in the kitchen. *creak* it came closer. Then another creak and then another. *creak* It was now next to the cupboard right next to where i was hiding. I shut my eyes tight, scared of what could happen next.

Then it clicked. This is my house, the only thing i have left to remember my parents and brothers. I am not letting anyone just make me surrender in my house!

I grabbed my wand tighter than ever and was ready to face what was coming closer to me. With a deep inhale i jumped in front of the person and wanted to do a spell but was cut off. "Expelliarmus!" he said. My wand flew out of my hand into the other corner of the room. Shit!

It was dark and all i could see was a figure of a man. He came close to me. Our faces inches away from each other. "Can i stay here..for tonight." he whispered in my ear. His breath was so warm and a chill ran down my spine when it touched my neck.

"W-what?" I asked back confused. He backed away and leaned his hand on the newel (pillar of the staircase), trying to support his body. I quickly went to the light switch and turned it on. There he was, a boy around my age, leaning against the pillar with one hand and the other on his bloodied stomach. On his nose there was a cut and his face had blood on it.

"Are you just going to stand there?" he said full with arrogance. "I-umh.." I stuttered. I burned a candle and quickly helped him go up the stairs and into my bedroom. I sat him on my bed. I wanted to turn on the light of my room, but realised that the light bulb was burned and that i had to buy a new one. Damn the living situation i'm in.

I turned around to face him but he was staring at me. I scanned his face and body. I can see a lot more, now that i was focusing on it. His face was covered with scars and scratches. There was one scar on his face that started on the right side of his forehead and stretched all the way down to his cheek. Even though it look like it had to hurt when it was still a wound, it did compliment his facial feature.

I looked at his stomach. 'Oh shit, his wound.' i thought to myself. I knelt down on the floor in front of him and scanned the area his hand was covering.

"What happened?" I asked and wanted to move it. He resisted at first but then he looked me in the eyes and moved it himself. There was a big wound on his stomach. It looked like he was stabbed or like sliced. Luckily it wasn't too deep. I didn't have to stitch it or anything like that. I had a shocked expression on my face and i think he noticed that too.

"Fell and landed on something sharp." he explained. "You fell, huh?" i answered while taking out my first-aid kit from under my bed. I looked at him and sighed. "You expect me to believe that that is what happened?" I put some rubbing alcohol on his wound to disinfect it.

He hissed because of the pain and grabbed my free wrist. "I don't care what you believe." he said and glared at me. "You know..I can just-" he groaned and held my wrist a little tighter because i put more rubbing alcohol on his wound and rubbed it in deep. "You-" i cut him off. "What?" I looked up at him since i'm kneeling on the floor. He looked down at me, at his wound that i was cleaning and then back at me. "Nothing." he mumbled.

"I'm y/n by the way." I introduced myself, trying to start a conversation. He just looked at me blankly in my eyes. 'Rude' i thought. I put more pressure of the cotton pad on his wound. He groaned and gave me a death glare. I gave him a big fake smile and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm Mattheo."


Hello yall! hope you enjoyed my first chapter. I'm still not done with this story yet, duh, ome chapter haha but i'll post this first and see how yall react and if you even like the way i write my stories. I'm posting about 2-3 chapters a week until i finish it so you guys don't have to wait too long to continue reading! don't forget to comment if you want to and vote :))

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