Number one

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A sigh left me when my stomach grumpled, louder than last time. Hours went by and no trace of food. It's like punishmemt for something I didn't do, and if I did then I know nothing about it. Still I continued looking around, my white-furred body blending perfectly with the snow around, except for my blacked tip on tail.

I'm not certainly sure how much time passed, but it sure is over a year now. A year ever since I woke up in snow with nothing but a tooth knife, not even a single memory left. Alright, that would be a lie, there is one left and that's how I recieved my very trusted weapon.


"Hey! Here I am, you big oaf! Come to mamma!" My voice echoed through the jungle under heavy storm, the rain blinding my vision to see where I'm running. It definitely didn't make my ears deaf, and even if I were, I'm sure the loud roar that sound right behind me would pierce through.

Shiver ran down my spine at the hot breath of what or who's behind me, huffing on my back. I hate this feeling, especially when I know it wants me dead. 

My attempt to halt and do sharp turn failed miserably, the mud causing me to slip and give the baryonyx coming after me time to catch up. Luckily I was quick enough to jump out of way onto tree before his massive jaw could clasp around me. 

It only made him growl in frustration, his lava-red eyes borring into my form in glare meaner than I ever seen. Or I think I didn't see worse. 

Jumping from tree to tree, there's no need for me to look back to see him storming after me, knocking over trees I jumped from just to get to me. Despite the rain pouring on us, the hair on my back stands out of fear. 

When I jumped, a clawed giant hand threw me the other way at rocks, grunts and huffs of pain leaving me as I slid down and hit the ground. Touching my eye stinging in burning pain, blood covers my white hand before it's washed away by the rain. 

His roar snapped me back to reality, looking up to realize he's running towards me in fast speed. In the last second I jumped between the small gap in rocks, making him slam with his jaw wide open into them and I notice something fall out. 

He attempt to get to me so I only hid further, completely disappearing from his sight and reach. After few more failed attempts he finally gave up and walked away, his heavy footsteps quieting in the storm. 

Making sure he's gone, I stepped out my hiding spot towards the thing the fell out his mouth and pulled it out before it sank in the wet mud. It's his tooth, long and sharp and perfect sized for me to use as weapon. 

All of sudden my ears catch a sound, yet I had no time to react when the same clawed hand hit me, knocking me out. 

End of flashback

Then I only woke up in snow with the tooth beside me. That and the memory is everything I have left, never a flash of past or something. But there is a feeling, like I'm missing something, or someone, very important to me. If only I could remember.

I got snapped from my thoughts and grumpling about no food around by someone big and heavy slamming into me. Like hello?! 

"You have beautiful eyes." A male voice said, in his voice heard that he's smiling.

"Get off my face." Said other male voice, deeper than the first one. 

"I would appreciate if you'd do the same." My voice is muffled because of whoever is sitting on me.

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