The world of En

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Pronouns! Atlas: xe/xim/xis | Solia: ve/vir/vis | Lune: they/them/theirs

Not a long time ago, but at this very moment, not beyond mountains, but beyond galaxies, there exists a world called En.

With many similarities to Earth and many differences, it is a world that isn't peaceful, but isn't overcome by war. Earthlings may describe it as "magical". To the folk of En however, it is only normal that their world functions the way it does.

The place where that world is was created by ancient gods as a safe haven for other gods in need. It is in the middle of a spherical force field located right in between the center of the galaxy and it's outer edge. Long ago, three gods - Solia, Lune and Atlas ran away from their galaxy when it was being destroyed and took shelter there. However, Atlas was severely wounded. They could not heal xim. Xe died, leaving behind an En.

An En was something akin to a planet that a god left once they died, but unlike a regular planet, it had it's own kind of energy, similar to the energy of the god that left it. Another difference of En from a planet was that life couldn't develop there without another god's help.

Solia and Lune knew that Atlas always wished for xis En to become filled with life once xis time came. But Solia was a god of fire and light, so ve would burn Atlas's En, and Lune was a god of ice and darkness, so they would freeze it. The two of them decided to work together, and were able to create balance by spinning around En. Then, life came and the planet became known and referred to as both En and Atlas.

Solia and Lune continued to watch over Atlas as they grew and became older. They were twins, born on the same day and destined to die together. Once that day came, they quietly faded into the stars. Their En were named after them, and they continued spinning around Atlas, still giving it life: a perfect balance between light and darkness.

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