When I Have Given Up

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I thought I'd been through the worst of it all
The pain
The suffering
The anger
The hurt
But it never truly ends,
Does it?
When your whole life,
All you wanted was to be loved
To feel as if you mattered
And now?
Now you have to push those people away
The people you love
The people you care for
Those late nights
Going a little too far
Feeling elation
Something burning inside
Catching yourself smiling or laughing throughout the day as you recall conversations
As I write this
I am in tears
My body is wounded and weak
My heart is broken
I feel broken
I don't know how to go on
Can I go on?
My heart aches with the most unimaginable grief
The most excruciating pain
Pain that I thought was long gone
Pain that I had forgotten
Pain that I thought I had left behind
There is nothing left of me
I look in the mirror
My dead eyes stare lifelessly back
It hurts too much to look
I turn away before the tears fall
There is no light in my eyes
Whatever lived inside died long ago
I don't know how much more I can endure
I don't want to endure anymore
I don't want to be alive
I don't want any of this
I was beginning to believe in happiness
To feel hope
That maybe...
One day...
I wouldn't hurt anymore
That my heart would heal
But now?
There is nothing left of me
I don't believe in happiness
There is no such thing
Life is sadness
Life is hurt upon hurt
Disappointment upon disappointment
My tears will never stop falling
My heart will never cease to ache
My blood will continue to spill
My body will continue to weaken
I will not fight it
I have neither the strength nor the will to do so
I have given up
I will let this cruel life decay whatever
is left
I will spend the time I have left in pain
For I have known nothing else
I am done
So done
I long for a reason to live
But I see nothing in my future
All I can hope for is that my end will be quick and painless
And that it will be soon

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