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AAAAAHHH!! That was me screaming, because my mom keeps on yelling at me. Then I got SUPER MAD and said this. Mom why are you being so STUPID and selfish??!! Nikki Maxwell!!! Go to your room right NOW!! Okay mom! I yelled. Nikki don't give me that tone of voice!! She yelled. Okay. I said. Nikki don't talk back to me!!! she yelled.

Anyway forget about the whole mom yelling thing. But my day got even worse,Brianna cracked my new phone so I had to pay for another one. Brianna blamed it all on me!! School is starting in a few days and I am nervous because I want to go to the same high school as Chloe, Zoey, and Brandon. But most of all I don't want to go to the same high school as MACKENZIE!!

I'm so tired because I didn't get any sleep last night.(yawn) Taking a nap. Zzzzz.

Dork Diaries: Surviving High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now