Ch. 1 Declaration of War

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                        It was a  clear morning , no clouds to be seen , and morning assembly at Hillview Collage, it was a square shape, the classes to the east, labs to the south , the principals office and auditorium to the west and hill to the North with the Northern range going further in the middle was a car park tor teachers and the corridor connecting the classes to the hall. Assembly was as long as ever . Everyone was anxious to leave and go to class , not to do work but stop standing. A man in peael white amour came out of the auditorium behind where the pricipal was making announcement. What is this? The principal asked, the man didn't answer, the guard came running with a battier inhand. He swung but the knight parred ,slashing throught the wooden bat. Slash , the knight killed him and began to speak on the microphone, as follows: we are the holy knights of the United States of America, and we ask for your co operation as one of the schools in the Island of Trinidad with the brighteat future.... he was interrupted as the silence broke

                         , " why did I have to come, Diane you could do this by yourself?" A short boy , no more that five foot five in checkered white and grey pjs being held but a girl five foot nine in a blue top and jeans . Whispers began t go around, yes I attend school here 'Joshua ,whats he doing here?' They said. The knight stopped and punched me into the chemistry lab where the form sixes stood, and Diane blocked. I was hit into the second story of the lab and the form six's crowded to see what happened, I climbed back out "hit me right after i wake up will you " I jumped down the two stories with my PJ's covered in dust , I stood right in front of the knight 'how did you survive that?" I replied "with that strength your nothing more that a apprentice knight ,are you ?" Before he could respond bam , i hit him it to the hill , everyone from my class was shock , no everyone in the school , i was known as one of  weakest. A person from form to east ,my class asked"Joshua , Is that you?"  Asked Zachary I shushed him "shush , they aren't supposed to know my name " I took a deep breath, " Listen up, cuz this is 800 people less to tell, my name is Meliodas, I am the captain of the Seven deadly sins. We are here to put order back to the holy knights!" 

                                Other holy knight apprentices came out from the auditorium and drew their swords , one came at me , he aimed to pierce my chest but I lightly parred it with my hand , ENCHANT hell blaze, the hand ignited with black flames and slash , he was cut in half. A tall man about 6 foot 7 stood in front of my with sword still sheathed, he was dressed in red and white armour, the ground cracked and dust shot up in the air , his sword drawn ,we were in a intense staring contest , he attacked. I slammed into the ground , a trail of blood shot out of my mouth, he came down and another colom of dirt shot up. The dirt rained back down, we stood face to face with him, I stood while he was on his knees, " looks like a kid did me in " he coughed as he had a hole where his heart and intestines should be.

                             "Anyone else?" iI asked , the others hesitated , " Diane take care of the rest please" she smiled " wait is that girl as strong as he was ?" one asked but I replied for her " yes and no , he physical ability is higher that other sins but I am stronger than her with magic ( meliodas : 1009, 1795 and Diane : 1500 , 800 respectivly) now ( I walked over to the microphone ) assemble is over today , unless you want to continue( The holy knights began to run away) " Everyone began to walk to class ,talking about what just happened, the principal and the streakiest teacher in school , called Diane and I to the office where we had a long talk about what I did . " yeah I know I basically declared war on the whole American army, and I plan to stick with that to the end"  They asked me a few questions and let me go , Diane had a spare set of cloths for me so I changed, it was a black jeans with a red sleeveless jersey and blue and white converse sneakers.

                                I walked over to my class and I was the center of attention , my teachers asked me the same questions the principal did, but when it was recess it was a horror house, I wanted to be the centre of attention, but this was crazy,  I wanted to leave. 

A couple days passed 

                                It wasn't the same everyone watched me differently , but today was Presbyterian sports, today the students of Hillview would be to busy talking to the students of the other 4 schools to be criticizing me, but if you look at in in a closer perspective i it wasn't for me the whole school would be under the supervision of the holy knights, I just sat there watching races and tug of wars, it began to ran and events were postponed, the crowds shoved me around and i got to the banister, the rain fell to the right and the cars were washed clean. There were a few abandoned building , I could swear I saw people moving around in them. Rumors were going around about a killer group killing the Christian( something like the KKK ).  AHHHHHHHHHHHH a girl let out  a high pitch scream , running away the rain, men dressed in black robes and white mask with the devils face ran into the crowd scattering it. 

                                        The crowd scattered and the men cut the down in 2's, 2 men came at me , probably they didn't know who I was, I dodged and dodged , should I kill them or not , I was treated like I had a deadly disease last time I protected them , bam I was slammed into the ground, Diane stood there" what is your purpose , Meliodas, you can't be losing your conviction that easily. " I smiled , the two men charged, but know there was four, Diane handed me a dagger and she touched her bracelet, It clear , made of glass, it had a glass hammer attached to it, it turned into a regular hammer and bam she slammed the hammer into the ground and spikes rose , piercing the enemy. A holy knight , probably a platinum rank with a great sword walked up to me, he was in armour but without the helmet, he had green hair and blue eyes, he swung , I parred. The pressure was intense as he backed back , preparing to strike again, I beat him to the chase as he couldn't par in time, he dodge ,I barley managed graze him only cutting his shirt. 

                                                It was him , the symbol of the Ram on his chest, the Goat's sin , he picked up his blade and took a stanze, I held out my hand to stop him, I ripped out my sleeves , baring the symbol of the Dragon " my name is the Dragon's sin of wrath , Meliodas, but you can call me Joshua," Diane ripped the side of her jeans , leaving a hole " and I'm the serpant's sin of envy ,Diane , but you can call me .......... ( please leave comments on what her secret name should be) " the Man looked neutral, he dropped the sword and his hair changed colour, it was red and reached his shoulders, " My name, goat's sin of lust , gowther, but my secret name , Aron"..............

How's my first fan fic hope you guys enjoy, I'll have one out every other week, but I won' t use the manga for you anime only viewer's btw the chapter's will be out , every other week.

I have to balance school , Rising fire dragon , anime, mange and now this.




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2015 ⏰

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