Chapter 1: Past Times

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A/N: The first two chapters are inspired by: @your.hostt on tiktok
Also most chapters will be short since I come up with these ideas in small spurts at 3 AM

3rd Person POV:        

It was 1990 something and little Davey was having fun at camp. He was coming back from hiking, without his best friend, and was excited for the 'big announcement' Mr. Campbell had mentioned. With an innocent grin, seemingly cemented on his scratched up face, he eagerly walked over to the brawny man who is holding what David desires to uncover.      

"Heya, Mr. Campbell!"  "Hm? Oh, Davey, what is it? Cameron responded, a bit irritated.   

"Well, I was wondering what the big announcement was!" David admitted while the curiosity and expectations rose.   

"...Announcement? Hmmm.. Sport, I don't know what you're talking about,"

Campbell continued,

"Unless you mean the stupid dance that will take place, I don't have a clue!"   

David's eyes lit up and the biggest grin popped onto his face, he'd completely forgot about the Lake Lilac Dance!   
Mr. Campbell gave David a glare that felt smug yet dangerous at the same time, David noticed it but was going to ignore it.    

"Sooo... What girl were you thinking of bringing to the dance, Davey?" The man asked in a genuinely curious tone. David smirked a bit, not knowing the truth behind the bastard's awful true thoughts on his answer.

"Well, I was going to bring Jasper, but since he left I'm not sure who to ask!"

The innocent boy answered happily.   

"Oh, Davey.." Mr. Campbell chuckled, maniacally, with sinister smirk creeping onto the older man's face.

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