Chapter 3: Fireworks and Scars

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David looked at his reflection in the old, grimy, mirror. He looked at his hair that is growing too long for the man's comfort. He looked at his chest, being tortured because it just isn't right. He looked at his arms, destroyed by bruises, scars, and painful memories. David knew some of the marks weren't from nature, but from his own selfishness and insecurities.... He would never tell anyone...


He *could* never tell anyone....   David looked at his face, covered in freckles and shame. He looked at his waist, thighs, legs, and everything else he hated. He felt bad for hating how he looked, it just didn't seem fair! So many other people have it way much worse, who is he to hate how good he has it!  He began to go on an internal rant, but it didn't last long until- 


There was a loud nocking at David's cabin  The boy was panicked since he wasn't fully dressed! He threw on his outfit just in time for Max to storm in.  "M-Max?! What are you doing here?"  "Oh, shit! I thought no one was in here since you would've fuckin' answered!" Max answered before the gears in his head started turning.  "Sayyy... Why didn't you answer the door?" Max inquired 

David looked nervous, what should he say!? He can't tell Max, but what excuse would answer the question!?  "I- Uh- Well- ... I was just trying to find my clip board! Yeah, I think I dropped it!" 

"Oh, well yeah! That sounds like some dumb shit you'd do!" Max joked 

"Language!" David scolded. 

"Whatever idiot, have fun finding your stupid clipboard, I'm going to keep looking for the fireworks!" 

"Wait- What?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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