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i know i want to post this daily but- I'm impatient :)

and not at most of you calling hwayoung dumb 😂

Chenle stared at Hwayoung, disappointment coating his gaze

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Chenle stared at Hwayoung, disappointment coating his gaze. He exasperatedly sighed and hit a cushion against Hwayoung's head.

"OW! Could you stop hitting me?!" Hwayoung whined, holding the cushion in her arms.

Chenle rolled his eyes, "You basically asked for it."

Hwayoung glared at the boy and kicked him in the stomach. Chenle fell on his back on the couch and became aggravated. He harshly sighed.

"HEY! Do you know who you're dealing with?!" Chenle exclaimed with an outraged expression painted on his face.

Hwayoung childishly poked her tongue out and furrowed her eyebrows with bitterness. 

"Why don't you tell me then?!" She asked furiously.

Chenle groaned and flicked her forehead with irritation making Hwayoung whine in pain.

"Ah... YOU'RE SO ANNOYING!" Hwayoung shouted, throwing a cushion at Chenle's face.

"YOU'RE EVEN MORE ANNOYING," Chenle shouted back, throwing the cushion back.

"Yeah... they're in love," Jaemin whispered to Renjun.

Renjun glared at Jaemin with disgust and left the place. It was basically a couple bickering.

Chenle held Hwayoung's hands away from his face, trying to avoid being flicked on the forehead. The members slowly left the room until Hwayoung asked something that made them surprised.

"Are you in a mafia?" She asked, looking at Chenle intently.

The boy froze, his muscles becoming tense and his gaze wavered. He let go of Hwayoung's hands and turned to look at his other members.

Hwayoung looked at him, hoping her assumption wasn't true but, Chenle stayed silent for way too long. The girl looked at the boy in disbelief and then she looked around her surroundings.

Everything looked very expensive and high-technology was everywhere. She hoped that Chenle was just filthy rich.

"Chenle?" Hwayoung looked at him.

He didn't take a glance at her which made Hwayoung scoff. Her mind was screaming and her eyes wanted to break into tears but, Hwayoung held herself together.

"I'm taking that as a yes." She said, her voice faltering.

Standing up, Hwayoung tried to exit the living room but Chenle quickly held her arm. The girl looked at Chenle- her gaze no longer friendly but fearful.

Chenle felt her hands shake with his grip and within that moment, he felt his heart shatter. He didn't know that breaking her trust would hurt so much.

"Hwayoung, please let me explain," Chenle said.

Hwayoung pushed his hand off while her lip quivered, "I did give you time to explain but, you never did."

The girl couldn't believe that her soulmate did the same thing as her maniac-like brother. She didn't want to believe that.

"Chenle," Johnny called out, a few metres away from the living room.

The boy looked towards Johnny, "The boss wants to talk to you." Johnny said.

Chenle sighed and hesitantly left Hwayoung, walking towards his boss' office.  The walk was painfully quiet and long.

As he wrapped his cold hand around the doorknob, he twisted it and slowly pushed the door open. The door creaked, adding more tension towards Chenle's expeditiously beating heart.

"Chenle." His boss started.

With a straight face, Chenle walked inside the room and stood in front of his boss' desk. A golden plaque sat on the table, the big bold letters on it standing out.


"Yes, boss," Chenle answered, his eyes staring at the floor.

"I know we live in a world with soulmates. I even have one but, on your contract, it says you shall never introduce your mafia work to your soulmate. You are putting us in a difficult spot. Take her out of here instantly... or I'll move you." Taeyong strictly said, his prey-like eyes staring straight at Chenle.

"Yes, boss." The boy answered.

"You may leave now. Also, your mission has now changed." Taeyong said, looking at the papers laid out on his desk.

"What's the mission now?" Chenle asked, now looking at Taeyong.

"Kill Sam. At all costs."

guess how many chapters we have left :))

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guess how many chapters we have left :))

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