Chapter 1.

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⚠️A/n some use of homophobic slurs and self harm.⚠️

I woke up with Billie not next to me so I checked the time.

7:17 am

I quickly got up realizing that if i didn't get ready quickly I would make Ava and Maya late for school.

I threw on a hoodie, that was actually Billies, and some shorts. I walked into the kitchen and made smoothies for Ava and Maya.

"AVA MAYA!" I yelled.
"Coming!" Ava yelled.

The both of them walked own the stairs with there backpacks and water bottles.

"Here" I said sliding the smoothies down the kitchen island.

They both grabbed the smoothies as Ava took a sip.

"I need to talk to you both on the way there" I said.

Ava immediately turned red and Maya looked down at her feet.

I noticed the midnight navy air Jordan's on Mayas feet and stared.

"Better hide those from Billie she'll steal those in the blink of an eye." I joked.

Maya chuckled quietly and I smiled.

"Ok mom it's 7:30 we should leave." Ava said.
"Go get in the car I'll be right there." I said.
"Did mom take the challenger?" Ava asked me.
"Yea, here" I spoke throwing the keys to Ava.

Ava and Maya left the house as I stayed back and noticed a note on the counter.

I'll be home late tonight me and finneas have a lot to work on love you! P.s. tell Ava I love her too.

I smiled at the note and grabbed my purse. I made my way out the door and into the car.

Ava had started the car and was sitting in the front seat while Maya was in the back. I started driving.

"What we're you guys doing last night?" I asked.

Ava choked on her smoothie, starting to cough.

"Mommy what's cock?" Ava asked.

Billie started choking on her water and coughing uncontrollably.

*end of flashback*

"Uhhh" Maya said.
"You seemed to enjoy yourself" I said looking in the rear view mirror to see Maya.

She chuckled nervously.

"Were 14 mom" Ava spoke looking at me.
"And?" I asked.
"We're gonna get horny" Ava whispered.
"I really don't have a problem with all of this but I need you both to understand that sex can deepen feelings increasingly fast." I said.
"It was just quick head-" Maya spoke.
"Oh, it was only one round?" I asked.
"MOM!" Ava yelled hitting my shoulder playfully.

I giggled and pulled into the parking lot of the school.

"I love you" I told Ava.
"Love you too mom". Ava said.

I watched Ava and Maya make there way into the school hand in hand.

Ava pov: (Yessir)

I walked into my first class with Maya, we had physics and science together and there was about a 4 hour gap in between those two classes. So we started the day with physics and ended it with science.

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