Boy You Make Me Feel So Lucky (but it aint meant too be alright)

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Sean's Pov
Sean to Naya : I have to go to the studio today .
Naya to sean: (naya angrily ) What are u doing there today ? Just stay in bed with me ..stay
Naya I NEED too get up I'm working on a new track with Ariana today I can't be late we just booked the studio we can cuddle later !
So ur leaving me for that rat for ur stupid "rap music career" just leave don't speak to me
Naya why are you acting like this ,Ariana is not a rat she's a beautiful young woman why are acting Jealous for i don't have time for this
(Sean has a shower gets changed and leaves and gets in his car)
Sean calls ariana asks her if there still on to make the new track
Sean : are we still on too make the track
Ariana :yeah we have 3 hours studio time
Sean: that's a lot of time and we're almost finished
Ariana:just come and we can quickly finish it
Sean: yeah I'm on my way Ari!
(Sean gets there and is greeted by ariana )
Ariana's Pov
Sean seemed tense while we were making the finishing touches too the track
Ariana :(ariana calls sean outside) sean come here I need too talk too you in private
Sean:yeah sure
(Ariana and sean step outside)
Sean:what's wrong Ari?
Ariana:there's nothing wrong with me..but I know there's something up with you I can feel it
Sean:it's just....Naya the days get more and more difficult with her and right now I just wanna thank you for always being here your a true friend Ari
Ariana:that's what friends are for I'm here no matter what sean and you should now that
(They hug 🙈)
Sean: thanks so much !!
(They go back in and within 30 minutes there finished they both decided too go for lunch)
(They go to a restaurant called "The Green Shack")
Sean:table for two please.
Waiter:Yes table for you and your girlfriend.
Sean +ariana (laugh) Wahhhhh we're not together
Waiter:you's look like a cute couple and if you saw as you guys walked in this is our "couple hour".
Sean:oh God.. We didn't realise it's ok u have too treat a friend once in a while .
Ariana:ohh sean are you sure it's ok?
Sean:Ari it's fine
(Ariana and sean eat their meals and sean insists on paying afterward they go for a few cocktails then they go their separate ways)
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Naya I'm back
Sean go have fun with ariana
Naya why are you being like this
Sean she's driving a wedge between us
Naya u are
(Sean ended up sleeping in a hotel )

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