Is It Over ? Do We Begin⭐️

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Seans Pov
*Zeno Rings Sean*
Zeno: Sean what's up man ? How's you and Naya
Sean: Things between Naya and I are getting worse She keeps getting jealous when I'm working with Ari
Zeno: Sean just do what's right for you man that's all I can say
Sean: Zeno I've got too go I've made up my mind
(Sean takes a shower and leaves the hotel making his way back home )
Sean to Naya . Look Naya me and you together isn't gonna work your going off with your "friend"Ryan then chatting too Meek Mill And When i say too words two words to Ari there needs too be total drama
(Naya tries to interrupt )
Naya just let me finish right I thought there was something here but there obviously isn't .
Naya to Sean . Well Sean Ryan and Meek give me attention and Affection we have connections ..Emotional Connections your just a waste of space they call you BIG sean But your pal down there is The tinniest .....Bye
(Naya walks out with her bags )
Sean sits back on the sofa and exhales a long sigh saying "I'm Always Big Sean even my big pal"
*he calls Ariana *
Ariana: Oh hey Sean
Sean: hey Ari ! ..well me and Naya are Over finished #hallelujah
Ariana: Wow you sprung that on me u seem so happy , so I'm happy :)))
Sean: yeah Ino but there is a girl that has caught my eye for quite some time now I just hope she feels the same way it's early days
Ariana: Awh that's cute sean, who is this lucky girl
Sean: oh well I need your help so come around in a few hours we can kill time watch movies plan a date (etc)
Ariana: haaaah lol no problem I will be there in a few hours to help
Sean:thanks bye x
(Sean cuts the phone)
*he thinks too himself*
"Now too get the girl I like too plan a date for me n her "..................

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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