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I was at the park with my friend Jade Crevan. As we're are walking and talking we run into one of the biggest perverts, and flirt of our school, Alexander Crevan. He used to be my best friend, but when he became popular in school he changed completely. He use to have blonde hair that would shine brightly even if there is no light, the brightest blue eyes, and pale skin (pic below is what he use to look like in middle school).

 He use to have blonde hair that would shine brightly even if there is no light, the brightest blue eyes, and pale skin (pic below is what he use to look like in middle school)

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Now he has black hair that would put a raven's feathers to shame, hazel color contacts, and tattoos covering both of his arms (Pic below is him now 0///0).

Now he has black hair that would put a raven's feathers to shame, hazel color contacts, and tattoos covering both of his arms (Pic below is him now 0///0)

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(Glo up on fuckin point 😳😳😍)

I miss the nerdy cute version of him. When he spots us he smirks and walk towards us.

"Hey sis. So Yuki, are you free tonight? I have a ideal date that include you, me and a bed. If you know what I mean," he said with a seductive voice he always use on me, but it never works. He wrapped one of his arms around me, and squeezed my ass. 'Oh Hell to the No!! This Jackass is going to get a big can of ass whipping!!' I thought to myself with a ticked off expression. I removed his arm, and bent it between his shoulder blades.

"AHHH!!! Fuck!!! Since when did you get so strong," He yelled in pain. I rolled my eyes, and pulled it up some more.

"I got stronger after you decided to change, and became popular and left us," I replied with venom in my voice, and continued what I was saying," So if you want to keep your precious arm I suggest you keep your hands off of me because I am not one of those bitches you laid with. Do. You. Understand?" I questioned him with a death glare that could kill over 1,000 people. He shook his head in fear, and I let him go. He scrambled to get up and ran off, but not before smirking at me again and mouthing 'This isn't over'. I turned towards Jade and smiled as she stared at me in shock.

"Wow!! That was so cool!!! Why didn't you tell me that you knew how to fight," she boasted then started rambling on about how she needed to take fighting classes. I tuned her out, and went into deep thought. 'Why is Alex so obsessed with trying to get with me every time? When he was shy and everything I actually had a crush on him, and he would have a better chance at us being together' I thought to myself, but was interrupted by Jade calling my name.

"Yuki... Yukii...YUKI!!" she shouted in my ear. I had a quick reflex, and flipped her over. I pinned her down with my arm around her throat. I immediately let go of her, and helped her up.

"Gomenasai Jade!! I didn't mean to do that!! It was a reflex!! You scared me and I should've told you-" I was cut off by Jade shouting about how amazing that was. Again. I swear I can't remember why we became friends in the first place.

"Jade,"I called in an annoyed tone. She immediately stop talking as she sees a dark aura surrounds me. She stared at me with fear and apologized. I smiled at her as she sweat drops at my sudden change in mood.

"Say Yuki," Jade called out with curiosity lingering in her voice.

"What is it Jay?" I ask with an eyebrow raised. She turned to look at me with a smile on her face.

"Are you going to Kagome's house tonight," She questioned me while nervously playing with her hands.

"Yeah why'd you ask," I stated with a bored tone. She looked down, and became very sad and nervous while I just stared at her with concern.

"Well I was planning on going to her house tonight, but my mother says that I have to go with her to see my grandmother today. We're staying over there for the weekend so I won't be able to hang out with you," she explain to me while still looking down, afraid of what I will say to her.

"Its okay, Jade. I'm not mad at all. If you have to go with your mother to see your grandmother today I don't mind. Besides she might be missing you after all these years," I reassured her as she looked at me with a small smile on her face. She pulled out her phone, and let out a deep sigh.

"Well I will see you later, Yuki. My mother says that its time to go," she says as she walks off.

"See ya later, Jay," I yelled after her as she runs home. 'Today is going to be a long day' I thought to myself.
A: Kon'nichiwa, minna!

S:*Waves silently while holding Rin-chan and Author-chan*

I: SESSHOMARUUUU!!! *Jumps out of nowhere trying to attack him*

S:*hits him with the handle of his sword* InuYasha, you are an complete baka.

A&R:*laughing at InuYasha* That's what you get InuYasha


K:*grabs InuYasha and slams him* Down Boy!!!

I:*groans* Ouch!! What the hell, Kagome?! What was that for?!

A: For being a complete Aho. Anyways I hope you enjoy the book minna. *Hugs Sesshomaru and kiss his cheek*

S:*Doesn't do or at anything but is blushing faintly*

I:*mad as hell* Sesshomaru keep your filthy demon hands off of her! She's mine!!

A: Sayonara, minna. *Kisses InuYasha on cheek* There you happy now.

I:*same as Sesshomaru but darker*

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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