Chapter 3: The news

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"Alex. Did you talk to April yet?" France asked from behind me.

" Shit! No." I whisperer to him, not wanting to get detention last day of school. He nodded to me and I took out my laptop the chat log.

I thought to myself
' Im sooo glad that Mrs.Martina allows out laptops' I thought gratefully. I read over the conversation that the others had and asked her the question the gang and I were wondering.

BLACK: Hay april?

RED: what is it alex?

BLACK: could we come over to the farm house?


RED: Sure. You know where to go alyka.

BLACK: Thanks. See you later.

RED: Bye.

I snapped the laptop shut and looked over to france.

"What did she say?" France asked looking at me. I nodded and he nodded back, we shared a moment seeming to read eacuhothers thoughts.

"Guys. Were going to Aprils farm house." the blond demigod told the rest. They all nodded on a silent agreement, following me to the teacher's desk.

" What is it Mr.Willow? I'm kinda busy making next years plans." the motherly, grey, old, neko asked me as I walked up to her desk.

" Sorry Mrs.Martina, but could we get a hall pass for the time being?" I asked her sweetly.

" Well...... hay, since it's the last day you won't need a hall pass." she meowed happily. We all looked at her with surprised expression.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Go on to where ever your going kids!" she hissed playfully, and we tore out the room whooping happily.

"So Alex, how would we get to the farm house anyway?" Jasmine asked me when we finally came to a halt in front of the court yard.

" Simple my friend. We fly!" I grinned as I changed to my dragon form.
---- 35 minutes later --------

" Everyone got the plan down?" I asked as we made our way to the gym. I turned to see that I had received head nodds in return.

" Good, now let's check in with Coach '99 push-ups' befour he blows a fuse." I grinned as I grabbed Jasmine and Jasson with my paws, leaving me to grab France with my tail. Audible groans were heard from behind me as I dragged the poor halflings to the worst class in this school.

'Well, besides world history. Everyone already knew about the war that raged on with half-bloods and pure breeds' I thought grumpily. The history teacer was part tortis and it took too long to discuss a stupid war that had happened just last year! I literally memorized the whole text on the stupid war.

Our great and fearless leader, Arnold Reghnot, had sacrifices many of our greatest soldiers to the blood war (Puns intended) so Viptanre,them, and Involess,us, could live in harmony without segregating ourselfs due to blood.

We were just as bad as humans were, or maybe we were worse, about segragation because we were in one thing. For humans, it was skin color. For us it was the purity of our blood. Humans taunted each other about skin, while we killed for blood. LITTERALY!

"Hay Alpha? you OK?  You sorta dozed of on us there." Jasmine asked me. I nodded and gave her a sweet smile.

" Good," Jasson paused," because your up to tango pal." I looked to see what he ment by tango, and of course Coach chose today to practice fighting.

"Willows! Your up you lazy tree!" Coach Barbarian screeched.

"You know Barb, its Willow, not Willows." I said as I flauntered to the wrestling matts.

" Ok mom! AND DONT CALL ME BARB!" he growled. The Coach is part bulldog alright.

" So, who am I gonna fight today? Or am I gonna win be default?" I asked teasingly, slowly taking of my shirt in ready for a fight. I heard everyone gasp at the many scars that littered my slim body.

" Ill fight you you cheeky bastard. " I heard some one grumble. I didnt need to turn around to know who had said it.

"So, you feeling brave Masson? Well, come on May. Im not the patient type you know." I grinned. He puffed a little and walked to the other side of the training matts.

" So, what are we gonna spar in? Karate or Tae kwon do-"

" Ninjistu." Coach hissed firmly.

I gulped visibly and saw Masson grin.

" But that wasnt taught this year, and Alex just started this this year!" France  spat angrily.

" So? Makes it easer for me to kick his ass!" Masson growled.

"Ok May," I said calmly, easily grabbing everyones attention," lets dance."

sorry it took me so long to update my story. I wish my fans would write comments on my stories

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