I'm So Sorry - Jack Bright x Alto Clef

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You asked for this, not my fault I tear your heartstrings. CritterLol
Also I'm so sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!
     "You fucking idiot! You could've killed her!" Clef shouted, but every word left a bitter taste in his mouth. He hated fighting with Bright, but he couldn't help but be angry at him.
     "I didn't know, okay! I thought- I thought Epon would be safe! How was I supposed to know that would happen!" Bright stuttered as he argued back.
      "Well if you weren't so reckless with everything, none of this would've happened! She's my fucking daughter!"
       "WELL AT LEAST YOU HAVE FAMILY, ASSHOLE! AT LEAST YOU GET TO SEE HER AND SHE CARES ABOUT YOU!" Clef could see pure anger and sadness in Bright's face. He crossed the line, and he knew it. Whenever it came to family, Bright was very sensitive. Clef knew this. Before Clef could say anything else, Bright stormed off. Goddammit, Clef. Look what you did. He thought bitterly.
        He was about to go after Bright, but he felt someone grab his arm. It was Dr. Rights. "Don't. He needs time alone." She was right. Every time they fought, or if Bright fought with anyone, he would dissappear for a day and return back to being his usual self.
       "Yeah. Man, I really fucked up." He said as guilt strained his throat.
       "Don't beat yourself up too much." Rights patted him on the back in comfort, but it didn't help.
       "But you know how he feels about these things." He couldn't stop thinking how hurt Bright looked before he ran off. He knew he hurt him, but there was nothing he could do to make it better.
        "True, but I also know Bright knows how you feel about these kinds of things." She said. "Plus, I'm sure Glass is with him right now."

        The first day was to be expected. Bright was still gone, so Clef carried on with work like usual, but he still felt guilty. The second day he started to worry, but everyone kept telling him it was fine. It wasn't till the third day he knew something was wrong.
       He stood outside Bright's door to his house, readying himself for what might happen. He knocked on the door, but no one answered. "Jack?" He called. He tried knocking again but once again there was no answer. He tried opening the door, feeling worried more with all the possibilities that could've happened to Bright.
        The door opened with ease, meaning it was left unlocked. Bright's house was a mess, there was dirty dishes all stacked up in the kitchen and the living room counter was covered in coffee cups. The TV was still on, playing some random black and white movie. Clef wander around the house, calling out Bright's name a few times only gaining no response. He reached upstairs, there two doors one leading to the bathroom and the other to the bedroom.
        He gently knocked on the bedroom door. "Bright? Listen I'm sorry. So fucking sorry, I shouldn't have said some of the things I did. Please come out so I can talk to you."
       The door opened, revealing a disheveled Jack Bright. His hair was a mess, his eyes having dark purple bags underneath them. "F-francis?" His voice was coarse and weak. Clef was surprised when he called him by his real name. Bright never used it that often, but when he did it was in very meaningful way. Clef hugged him, hold Bright in his arms as Bright began to cry.
    "I'm so sorry." Alto whispered.


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