Chapter 1

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Liam watched impatiently alongside Jake and Drew as Henry fumbled to grab all his candy wrappers from the seats. He had decided to clean up after himself at the last minute, leaving the three other boys to wait for him so that they could all finally exit the train and enter their school, their second home.

"Sorry, sorry!" Henry squeaked as he quickly stumbled out of the carriage, holding the crumpled candy wrappers in his hands.

"It's fine," Liam said, sounding a tad disgruntled.

Henry glanced towards Jake and Drew, in hopes that they weren't annoyed like Liam. To his relief, Jake smirked, a friendly look in his eye, and Drew gave him a small smile.

"Now that you have finally decided to join us," Liam raised his eyebrow at Henry disapprovingly, "Let's get going."

Henry nodded and Jake gave the taller boy a thumbs up. Liam smiled, pleased to finally be able to get off the train and see the magnificent school castle in person. His dad had told him all about Hogwarts. The palatable meals in the Great Hall, where the loud chatter of students would fill the air! The plenty of secrets Hogwarts held, with its moving stairs and secret passageways and rooms... All the intriguing books there were to find at the large and vast library, and whatnot.

The foursome hopped off the train, and a cool gust of wind blew in their faces. They craned their necks, trying to get a glimpse of Hogwarts, though it wasn't to be seen from here. A warm light caught their eyes, its source from a lamp being held by a... *woah*. The lamp was carried by a man, looking like a smaller version of a giant. Despite his intimidating size, he wore a jolly smile. The man reminded Drew of Santa Claus. His mother, Hope Lupin, still loved to pretend that Santa Claus existed whenever she was around Drew.

"Firs' years! Over here!" the large man's voice boomed over the gaggle of heads, "Firs' years!"

Drew looked over to his friends and nodded his head in the direction of the large man, gesturing for them to follow the half-giant. However, Jake and Liam were both staring in awe at the man's great size, and Henry was watching him timidly.

Drew sighed, "Guys, instead of staring, we should just follow him. He's calling for us first years, you know?"
"Ah right," Jake raised his eyebrows, finally replying to the magenta haired boy, "Come on you two."

Liam and Henry snapped out of their trance, and followed Jake's lead. Finally, they'd see the Hogwarts castle. The splendid establishment, with rooms and passageways to be discovered, with intricate stair designs that might make you trip or get lost, and so much more! The great man stared down at the four boys who had arrived near him and smiled warmly.

"Yer ready kids?" he asked, a kind twinkle in his eye.

Jake and Liam nodded eagerly, almost shaking with excitement, much to Drew's amusement.

"Well come on then," the man turned around, heading towards what Drew had read to be a large lake beside Hogwarts.

He had read that there was a giant squid there! Luckily, it was also said to be friendly enough, so there was not much to worry about if you fell overboard, especially since overboard students were saved pretty quickly.

The students were led down a jagged and steep path, so dark that only the heads in the direct vicinity of the man were illuminated by his warm orange lantern glow. From what Drew could see with the lantern's light, there were towering trees surrounding them, blocking the moonlight. Drew shivered as the thought of the moon crossed his mind. The moon, or rather the full moon, was one of his worst fears... He quickly pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to dwell on them.

After all, transforming into a werewolf once a month was painful enough to deal with for a young lycanthrope.

Drew, to his relief, had something else to think about as the man's voice boomed out once again, "Round this corner, yeh'll finally see Hogwarts!"

Drew's eyes widened eagerly as he and a few other students tiptoed to try and get an earlier look at the grandeur school. They followed the man round the bend and were greeted by a lake, now finally seeing the moonlight illuminating the pearly body of water. And across the lake... Hogwarts.

Drew sucked in a quick breath. The school was astonishing... It was so much better than in the descriptions of his textbooks. Hogwarts: A History, one of the books he had gotten for his school year, would never have a description of Hogwarts greater than the actual thing.

A sudden question extinguished his excited thoughts.

Would he fit in this school...?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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