
19 0 0

Lev had made his decision the next morning. He ran to the hospital and asked the front desk how Yaku was doing.

"He's stable for now but he's not waking up again." Lev smiled, grateful that Yaku still hadn't left. He made his way to Yaku's new room, one with no windows, and smiled bitterly at the sleeping boy.

"I'm not giving up on you." He whispered as he grabbed onto Yaku's hand. "So don't give up on me and don't give up on yourself." He kissed Yaku on the forehead before heading to the library. It was time to do some research.

Lev didn't quite know what he was looking for but he knew something was off. It couldn't be a coincidence that when Uzzu didn't wake up Yaku did and when Yaku went back into a coma Uzzu woke up at exactly the same time. It just didn't make sense.

He walked quickly through the library, grabbing any book he thought might be helpful. He spent the whole day reading page after page until a certain word jumped out at him. Reincarnation. That would explain everything. Somehow Yaku must have been reincarnated as Uzzu before he was even dead. That's why they couldn't both be conscious at the same time.

They probably shared a lot of the same memories they just weren't awakened when the other one woke up. Lev was excited at learning about this but also knew what it meant. Either Uzzu or Yaku could be awake. They could never be awake at the same time and in the end, only one could stay alive.

A chill ran down Lev's back. He knew he wouldn't be able to make a decision like that, at least not without the team. He wanted Yaku back but he couldn't just kill Uzzu. Lev checked out the book on reincarnation and called Kenma, hoping that Kuroo was with him.

He would talk to them first and then the rest of the team on the next school day. By now all of them had heard about Yaku going back into a coma and that he had tried to kill himself. Lev was prepared for some of them to fight back but not Kuroo.

"Give up already! If he wants to die then let him! Quit coming up with random nonsense trying to explain what's going on!" Kuroo yelled. His eyes were pooling with tears as he spoke. Yaku's attempted suicide was clearly affecting him a lot and Lev understood. If he had chosen to give up he would have felt exactly like Kuroo did.

"But I know how we can save him!" Lev barked back.

"No." Kuroo's voice quieted as he stared at Lev. "Even if you were right and you were able to wake him up, what's stopping him from trying to kill himself again? What would stop him from leaving forever?"

Kenma wrapped his arms around Kuroo as he spoke. He was confused. He had no idea why Yaku would have tried to kill himself but he knew he had missed something. He thought back to their conversation on the roof. He had gotten so distracted by Lev that he had forgotten all about Yaku wincing all the time.

None of them even knew where Yaku's burns on his arms came from all those weeks ago and Kuroo couldn't help but blame himself. If he had been a better friend then he would have kept asking questions. He would have made sure his friend was ok.

"His mom killed herself. I think that's what triggered him to try to do it as well." Lev almost whispered the sentence. He didn't want to seem like he knew more about Yaku than Kuroo but he knew that Kuroo probably didn't know about this.

"What?" Kenma spoke, eyes wide with shock. Kuroo stared blankly at Lev as well while Lev continued to speak.

"He said that she killed herself and that his brother was being tortured. I have no clue what he meant but I think that's why he did it. If we figure out how to help his brother and also how to wake him up then we can fix it. We can help him."

Kuroo looked down, trying to process what Lev was saying before shaking his head.

"No. We can't fix it. He wants to be done." Kuroo looked up with a new fire in his eyes. "And I say let him." He then stormed out of the room, leaving Kenma and Lev alone.

"He doesn't mean it. He just needs to think about everything." Kenma muttered. "Sorry." He then walked after Kuroo, knowing that he was needed to help the other boy calm down. Lev sighed. He wasn't going to give up, not ever. He just needed some help. He needed to talk to Yaku's brother.

I know this one was a lot shorter then normal but I really didn't have a lot planned for this chapter XD We're  not done yet! Cheers!


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