What would it be like if you lived in Fang when Cara died? Well here is your answer.
The entire kingdom would shut down. Nobody would be permitted to speak about Cara's death. (Or else the death penalty would be put forth)
Virana would order everyone to stay in Fang and allow nobody to enter.
Basically like a pandemic.
You wouldn't be in contact with Chief Virana ever again most likely.
Virana shuts everyone out, except Namaari and General Atitāya.
The General does most of the work and contact with Virana.
Doctors work their asses of to try and find out how exactly Cara died.
Virana orders no contact between other lands to protect her citizens and mostly herself.
The military boot camp becomes more intense
Less money to go around
Transportation out of fang is completely shut down for months
New laws are enforced
Life basically sucks
You can't hang out with anyone or do anything fun
Schools are closed which is a benefit
If you ever happen to catch just a glimpse of Chief Virana, you would be to ignore her. She would be in a depressive state. (Reddened eyes, tear stains, ruined makeup)
Life would not be good. Your Chief would be in an extremely selfish state. Everything for herself.