Road to Hell

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Twisting the lock of your front door, you briskly turned back to head into the living room. As you walked back into the room you anxiously sat down on the couch, listening to the news live broadcast. The news anchor said with a stern look on their face, "there have been sightings of an escaped convict in the surrounding county. Please lock your doors and windows. It is not advised to go out at night. The surrounding area will deploy police officers to patrol the neighborhoods." They were cut off before the end of their statement; the bad weather was messing with your television reception. Letting out an audible huff, you got up and tried toying with the antenna's on your television. To no avail, the service was seemingly shot for the night. Reaching down onto the center table, you grabbed the remote flicking off the television. 

You never really considered yourself much of an anxious person, but tonight has really been getting to you. Despite the news anchor claiming police would be patrolling, that didn't give you anymore comfort. You lived in the outskirts of the city; on a short dirt path leading off the main highway. That being said, because of where you lived, it was highly unlikely an officer would just patrol up your driveway. Pacing the entirety of your house, you obsessively checked the locks of your windows. You did that again, and again, and again. This went on for roughly an hour, before you finally became satisfied, breaking the cycle you walked yourself back to your bedroom. Closing the door, you twisted the lock, and pushed a chair beneath the doorknob. There was no way this door was opening. Thunder clapped loudly, and a bright flash of lightning lit up your darkened room. The sudden intensity of the storm caused you to jump, that's when you realized how paranoid you've become. 

Beginning to grow angry of yourself; you threw yourself into bed covering yourself up. Snuggling into the soft fleece, you slowly began to relax. The rain went from terrifying, to calming sleep noises. Finally settling in, your eyes slowly closed, and you drifted off to sleep. In your moment of extreme paranoia, you had neglected to check the lock on your basement window. Through the rumbling of the thunder, and the pattering of rain on the roof, your ears couldn't pick up the sound of someone pushing open the basement window. Going the extra length to assure your safety, you caused yourself to neglect the other possibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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