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No ones POV~~

Mafuyu and Uenoyama were hanging out in Mafuyu's house like they do often since his mom isn't home most of the day. They were talking about random things that came to mind: music, food, places they've been, school, pets, anything. They were having so much fun just being in each other's presence. Mafuyu and Uenoyama were sitting on the floor, and Kedama was on the bed right behind them, playing with a toy that Uenoyama bought him. Hours go by, and without them even noticing the sun went down and it was getting dark out. "Oh crap, It's getting dark out. Can I stay the night?" Asked Uenoyama. "Yeah sure, but we don't have any extra beds or futons, so you'll have to sleep in the same bed as me." Uenoyama agreed, texted his parents, and borrowed some pajamas from his boyfriend to wear to bed.

"My mom will be home in an hour, she said she's bringing dinner for us. Are you good with sushi?" Mafuyu asked his boyfriend. Uenoyama said yes and went to take a shower. While Uenoyama was in the shower, Mafuyu put some plates and chopsticks on the table to eat sushi with. He went back to his room and sat on his bed waiting for the other to finish his shower. A few minutes later, he got out of the shower, put on Mafuyu's pajamas, then went back to Mafuyu's room. "Are you gonna take a shower next?" He asked Mafuyu, drying his hair with a towel. "Yeah, I'll be quick." Mafuyu grabbed some pajamas, and went to take his shower. Uenoyama, now alone, didn't know what to do so he started playing games on his phone until Mafuyu got back.

Another few minutes later, Mafuyu got out of the shower, put on pajamas, and walked back to his room. "Uenoyama..." Mafuyu said, checking his phone. "My mom said she'll be home in five minutes," he said. "Okay." the other replied. Mafuyu sat on the floor next to Uenoyama, and rested his head on his shoulder. "Wh-What are you doing?" Uenoyama was blushing slightly. "Waiting." Mafuyu was smiling, and Uenoyama was laughing slightly.

Knock Knock~ "That's probably my mom." Mafuyu went to go get the door, and Uenoyama walked over to the kitchen and sat down. He heard some talking, then some footsteps over to the kitchen. "Hello, I'm Mafuyu's mother, you must be Uenoyama." Mafuyu's mother had the same hair and eye colour as him. "Hi, yes I'm Uenoyama, nice to meet you." Uenoyama bowed his head. Mafuyu's mom smiled and set down the food on the table, they all sat down and ate the food. After dinner Mafuyu's mom brought the plates to the sink to wash them, and told Uenoyama and Mafuyu they could go back to his room if they wanted. They walked back to Mafuyu's room and sat on his bed and talked more. After about 30 minutes, Uenoyama was getting tired.

"I'm getting bored, do you wanna d-" Kiss. Mafuyu kissed Uenoyama. He was surprised by the kiss at first, then soon kissed back. Uenoyama held the other in his arms, and Mafuyu let him. Minutes go by and they're still holding each other, faces pressed on each other, until Uenoyama pulled away, drool still on his chin, and he was panting slightly. "What's wrong?" Asked Mafuyu. "I-It's nothing, I'm just... tired." Uenoyama said, wiping the drool off his chin. "Okay." Mafuyu let go of his boyfriend and went to brush his teeth while Uenoyama followed. "Oh crap! I don't have a toothbrush." He exclaimed. Mafuyu showed him where they kept the extra tooth brushes, and gave him some toothpaste.

They went back to Mafuyu's room and laid down in bed. After moving around and getting comfortable, Mafuyu's head was pressed into Uenoyama's chest, and Uenoyama was holding his boyfriend. "Are you sure you can breathe?" Uenoyama asked. Mafuyu nodded and squeezed the other. "Now I can't breathe!" Uenoyama was trying to push Mafuyu away so he could breathe. Mafuyu loosened his grip and giggled, while Uenoyama was gasping for air. "I love you." Mafuyu whispered. Uenoyama looked at him, and smiled. "I love you too." But Mafuyu didn't hear him, because he was already asleep, then Uenoyama also fell asleep. As they drifted into their dreams, they were both warm while holding each other.

The End~~

A/N: Hey guys!! I hope you like this short story! I'm writing another story with a part similar to this, but I really wanted to make a separate story like this, also to give a little more detail on certain parts, so I hope it was good!

If you want to, feel free to read my other stories. I have two and they're both about Given.

Word count: 730 without A/N, 803 with A/N

-Izzy <3

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