The End of a New Beginning

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Narrators POV:

(Y/n) Midford, younger sister of Elizabeth Midford. Younger sister of Edward Midford. Daughter of Alexis Midford, and Francis Midford.

When Elizabeth and (y/n) were little, they always hung around a small boy named Ciel Phantomhive. (Y/n) ended up meeting another friend other then Ciel. She just keeps it a secret away from everyone.

One day, Elizabeth and (y/n) stopped coming to the Phantomhive manor. Apparently it was burnt down. Parents body found, the little boys body was never to be found.

That was until one day, two years passed. (Y/n) is now eleven as Elizabeth is thirteen. Ciel came back, but something was different.

As soon as Elizabeth and (y/n) heard the news, only one of them was happy. (Y/n) basically gave up hope for him.

She also always had the biggest crush on him. She grew to her senses as she knew he wouldn't pick her. (Y/n) tended to grow hatred towards him and his family.

She realized what they did, she did a lot of research on his family. (Y/n) tried finding him herself, that was before she found out everything.

Readers POV:

"Ciel!" Elizabeth cried sadly.

Ciel turned around, he looked broken. As if he lost all emotion. He didn't even smile nor cry when Elizabeth hugged him. Ciel stayed quiet for awhile.

That's when I noticed the butler. He's never had that butler ever!

"Elizabeth, let's go." I demanded giving both Ciel and the butler a death stare.

"(Y-y/n).." I heard her about to cry.

"Mother and father told us to not stay long. Let's go." I demanded as I walked off to the carriage.

"Give me a few more minutes please!" She cried

Within three minutes, Elizabeth walked into the carriage. Once we sat down, the carriage brought us back to our manor.

"That's not the Ciel we know. Plus his whole family is bad news." I said as she kept her head down.

"I-I thought you liked Ciel.." She quietly spoke.

"I did, but then again I was a child. I didn't know what or who I liked." I said as we arrived back home. "Please, don't argue with me."

I walked up to my room, or at least tried to. Before I could reach my room, Mother stopped me.

"(Y/n) dear, I'd appreciate it if you took Lizzy to Ciel's soon." Mother smiled sadly.

"Why do I have to go? She's capable of going by herself." I said as I crossed my arms and kept my nose up.

"It would be nice for you to see your cousin. After all he just came back." Mother said as I let out a sigh and just nodded.

"Alright, I'll go next week. Goodnight mother." I said covering my annoyed tone.

"Thanks you, have a good night." Mother said with a sweet smile.

I went into my room, and shut my door as I leaned against it for a good minute. After that minute of standing there, I got changed for bed and got a book to read.

I read for awhile till my eyes couldn't stay open any longer.


"(Y/n)! Wake up! Mother told me you'll go to Ciel's today!" I heard Elizabeth's high pitched voice.

The whole week went by of Elizabeth talking about going non stop.

"Elizabeth, give me two hours." I said as I turned onto my side.

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