~•The Promise•~

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•Enjoy some Obey me memes before you commence because umm.. your in for a ride -w- '' also credits to my friend they helped in the making of this •

•August 1st 2021 - published•



"Hey MC, since i'm bored, and you're bored. Its the perfect time to playyy"

"But Father will get upset... I don't wanna get in trouble again because of your mistakes Poku- "

"we won't get in trouble! I'll make sure we don't even get caught THIS TIME don't worry, I promise"

"You always say that Poku! Because everytime you want to play, I'm always the one that gets beat if we get caught, even though you WANTED TO PLAY! So promise me that no matter what, you won't backstab me this time, okay?"

They looked at me intensely in my eyes.

"fineeeee, I promise that this time if we do get caught I will take the blame, so that you don't get beat, so now can we play now?"

I smiled, "Yea lets play"


Poku didn't keep their promise... that day I was beaten to the point that I could no longer be recognisable, it took days just for me to heal...

Mother tended my wounds but Father who's just an angry, drugged man,  did the most despicable thing a parent could ever do in front of their child.

He killed the mom of his own children. he KILLED my MOTHER! MINE!

And this was all my twin's fault, Mother wouldn't have been killed if only Poku had just kept their mouth shut about Mom tending my wounds, and caring for me, like a real parent would.

Now here I am at 18 years old I believe, but I really don't remember since nobody in my household cared about my birthday the past few years, so there's no point in that.

But as of right now I am an exchange student here at RAD with my accomplice Solomon, me looking like a mere human but in fact i'm also a powerful sorcerer like Solomon (just keep it hidden from others), we both plan to take over the demon realm, the human realm, and the celestial realm. We hope to gain allies during out exchange here. And hopefully we will rule this realm as soon as I make a pact with all 7 demon brothers.

I will also keep an eye on this Barbatos fello, because I get a feeling he isn't really falling for this act of mine. Or maybe we can make him our ally... hmm..

As I am thinking about what to do

I hear a whiny voice next to me, from one of the brothers. Mammon the second oldest.

"Ehhhh?! Why is this pitiful human my responsibility Lucifer?!

"Because its time for you to learn how to babysit" Said Lucifer sternly


Let's just hope I don't have any distractions while on this little plan of mine. That'll be a pain if i waste time over this..

•that's the first ch. of this fan fic and it'll probably be continued tomorrow or the day after who knows but stay tuned

//Evil MC// - a story about two twins {OBEY ME FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now