Chapter 1

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~Alicia's POV~

So far this summer was great.

The only thing that was not so great was I didn't see my father much.

Draco and I flew around on our brooms while tossing the quaffel back and forth.

I haven't heard from my mother since I've been in the chamber. I was actually kinda glad I didn't. Some part of me kept thinking there was light in her but I already know there isn't.

Right now I'm flying around Malfoy Manor waiting for Draco to wake up.

I heard a crack from below and I saw the top of my father's head.

I smiled and flew down and silently flew next to him.

I smiled and said "what's up father."

He jumped and looked in my direction.

I was clutching my broomstick so I wouldn't fall off because I was laughing so hard.

"Alicia. You scared me."

I landed and jumped up to hug my father laughing.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to take the opportunity to scare you."

"I figured that out."

I smiled and he let me go.

"I need to speak to you about something important."


"Oh ok."


She came walking in from the kitchen and smiled.

"Oh I thought you were upstairs. Well Draco is up now." I said smiling.

She laughed and said "now you know Draco is a heavy sleeper."

"Not for long."

"Go talk to your father." I nodded and we went up to my room.

I sat on the bed and he began pacing.

I knew this was his way of trying to figure out where to begin.

"You remember Dumbledore telling you that I will tell you what you are when the time comes?"

I nodded.

How could I forget? Every time he comes over I try to get it out of him but he never caved. I was actually thinking about giving up.

"Well I think that time is now."

I sat up straighter ready for the information I was dieing for.

"Your mother is what is called an Enchantress. And as I told you, I believe, in your first year, that an Enchantress is a very powerful witch. They can do things normal witches or wizards can't do. For example, in the chamber, when you controlled the water with just your hands, a normal with or wizard would have needed a wand for that."

"Father. Get to the point."

He sighed.

I really hate it when he sighs. It makes me feel like he is trying to hide something from me.

"You are the Enchantress."

I froze.

I thought it would be something crazy where I would laugh it off and pretend that it's nothing.

But that's not the case.

I'm an Enchantress. The most powerful witch in the world.

I guess I kinda knew about it but, I didn't actually think it was true.

"I know it is a lot to take in but-"

"How long?"

"Since you were born. I kept it from you to protect you."

"So then why are you telling me this now?"

"Because I realized that if you found out from someone or something else, and you found out I knew, you would've been hurt."

He was right. I would've been hurt. But now I'm scared and worried that I'll end up like my mother.

"You won't."

I rolled my eyes.

"I hate it when you do that."

"Well learn Occlumency and you won't have to deal with it."

I rolled my eyes again remembering when he kept asking me to learn Occlumency before I started at Hogwarts. I can't believe that I just realized this now but, maybe that is why he keeps coming into my mind. To show me how much I need it.

"Not now father. I know how much I need it but, I want to find out more about this thing."

He nodded understanding.

Draco came in looking grumpy. His hair isn't the usual slick back style anymore. It was down but slightly in his face, but it suited him well.

I smiled and said "Hey grumpy! Ready to fly?"

"No I'm ready to sleep."

I laughed at him and said, "why'd you wake up then?"

"Because somebody decided to yell for my mother telling her where they would be."

I smirked.

"Go back to sleep then silly."

"I can't. The sun is too bright."

"You have curtains for a reason."

"Too lazy to close them."

"Yet your not too lazy to walk here and stand there to talk to me."

He thought about that and said "I'm complicating."

"Yes you are."

I closed my curtains with my hands and it was dark.


I felt my bed dip a bit and I heard a soft snore coming from the other side.

It was actually making me sleepy.

"Come on Alicia. Let him sleep."

"Mhm." I sleepily said.

I was about to fall asleep but I jerked back up.

I heard my father laugh and he layed me down and I fell right to sleep.

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