Chapter 11

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~Alicia's POV~

As everyone but me listened to Professor Trelawney drone on about how to read a crystal ball, I was staring out the window. When the bell rang I got out of my seat and walked to Care of Magical Creatures. "'Liesh! Wait up!" I heard Draco yell. I turned around sneering at him. "What's that look for?" "You know I want to get away from there as fast as possible." "If you hate the class so much why don't you just drop it. Mudblood Granger did." I froze and grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the wall. "How long have you known that?" "Just a few days." "You knew there was a chance I could have dropped that bloody class and didn't say anything to me?" "I'm sorry 'Liesh. Now could you calm down." I took a deep breath and came to my senses. "Sorry Draco." "Its fine. Just go to Dumbledore. I'll tell the oaf where you are." "I'll do it later." "Alright." As we walked down to Hagrid's place, I began to get a bad feeling about something. I then heard that same buzzing noise from first year and collapsed. I saw Draco rushing up to some bird thing and he insulted it. It then stood up and scratched him. The scene went away and I was breathing heavily. "Alicia? Are you alright?" Draco said looking concerned "Ya. I'm fine." "Do you need to go to the hospital wing?" "No. Let's just go to class." When we got there I saw that same bird that I just saw from my vision. My eyes went wide and I grabbed Draco's arm. "Draco I want you to stay by me." He looked at me like I was crazy. "Why?" "Just do it." I said walking ahead of him dragging him behind me. We stood by the tree and Draco spotted Harry. I ignored him until he said "DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!" My head snapped in the direction he was pointing and saw nothing. I looked at Draco to see him, Crabbe, and Goyle putting there hoods on and pretending to be dementors. Hermione came by and grabbed Harry to pull him away. Draco and the others laughed while I sneered and walked away. Draco saw me and said "where are you going Alicia?" I turned around glaring at him with a sneer on my face and said "in case you forgot Draco, I got attacked and passed out also. So if you make fun of Potter about it you make fun of me." I saw regret flash in his eyes but I ignored it and continued until I got to the front. Hagrid's came and did his introduction. He showed us the bird and I froze in place. He then asked "now who would like ter come up and say hello ter Buckbeak." I took a step back and Hagrid looked over at us and said "Harry and Alicia. Excellent." My eyes widened in horror and I pushed Harry up a bit. He looked back at me and I sent him a silent apology. As Harry got close to Buckbeak, Hagrid told him what to do every step of the way. When Buckbeak bowed back I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. Hagrid looked back at me and said "Alicia. Your turn." I gulped and slowly walked forward. "That's it. Nice and easy." I took a shaggy breath and Buckbeak looked threatened and made a small squawking sound. "Don't be scared Alicia. Stay calm." I took a few deep breaths and continued. I then stopped and bowed while not breaking eye contact. Buckbeak looked as if he was deciding if he would bow or not until he finally did. I smiled and went up to him and pet him. "Now I think he'll let you both ride him now." "What?" Me and Harry said in unison. Hagrid picked Harry up then me and set us on Buckbeaks back. I held on to Harry's shirt while Harry held on to where Hagrid told him to. Hagrid then hit Buckbeak and he went on two legs and ran at a tremendous speed. He then flapped his wings and we were in the air. I looked around and laughed. With the wind blowing in my face, I felt free. I spread my arms to the side and closed my eyes. I heard Harry cheer and we then flew back to where we started from and landed. I got off and smiled. "How was it?" Hagrid asked me. "Amazing professor." He smiled at me and talked to Harry I saw Draco pushing people out the way and he insulted Buckbeak. Buckbeak stood on two legs and I got in front of Draco and got scratched. Pain seared through me and I couldn't move my arm. I screamed in pain and then I was lifted off the ground and taken to the hospital wing. Once Madam Pomfret finished, I fell asleep.

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