new phase 6

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so lets start 

the plate fell from subhadras hand all looked at the plate worriedly 

yudhishthir : lets go to the palace and then talk 

everyone nodded 

all started to leave one by one 

subhadra said that she will be coming in some time 

so she was left there alone 

she turned towards the idol of the temple 

she joined her hands and prayed 

then she bowed her head and turned to go and started walking 

the water which spilled due to the falling of plate had mixed with the red colour kumkum spilled and subhadra had walked over that and her footprint marks were of going out of the temple 

as soon as she left the diya blew off due to the wind 

after some time subhadra reached palace 

everyone was waiting for her over there 

yudhishthir : what do you think everyone  we should accept this invitationor not 

everyone nodded in no 

draupadi : arya i think  this is a trap we should not go

subhadra : yes bhratashree there is something fishy going on in their minds

yudhishthir : but as a warrior we cannot deny this invitation we have to go 

bheem : but 

yudhishthir : we will be going there day after tomorrow and no more arguments 

everybody nodded and left 

at night in subhadras chamber 

she was roaming here and there this is when arjun enters in the chamber 

arjun : what happened subhadra why are you walking here and there 

subhadra : nothing arjun just ................................nothing

and she started to go but arjun came in front of her 

she started looking here and there 

arjun : subhadra look at me 

but she didnt so he made her look into his eyes 

arjun : subhadra what happened why have you changed so much you used to tell me everything and now 

subhadra : itss nothing arjun i am just a bit worried about the invitation 

arjun : even me but i dont think they will be able to do anything so relax  ,lets sleep

subhadra nodded and they both went to sleep 

the next morning 

arjun woke up only to find subhadra patting his cheeks 

he held her hand and kept it under his head and said cutely 

arjun : subhadra please five min more you also sleep and he pulled her over him this is when a loud shout ended his sleepiness 

he opened his eyes and found nakul over him and he was shouting 

nakul : bhrata arjun please leave me i am not subhadra and i am not interested in romancing with you 

he looked here and there and found everyone standing there and everybody was laughing on him 

this is when nakul said 

nakul : bhrata arjun you are still dreaming oh god save me from bhrata arjun 

arjun : shut up and get up 

nakul : bhrata i want to but you are still holding my hand tightly but i want to acknowledge you that i am not subhadra so please leave me 

at this arjun got embarassed and left his hand  both  got up 

nakul : ii is really dangerous to wake up bhrata arjun 

and everyone started laughing 

then everyone went to the royal court 

at draupadis chamber in night 

subhadra knocked the door 

draupadi : come subhadra what happened 

subhadra sat near her 

subhadra :jiji i am getting restless  , my heart is saying something very wrong is going to happen tomorrow 

at this draupadi hugged subhadra 

draupadi : subhadra i have tried , you have tried and four pandav aryas have tried but still arya yudhishthir has chosen to go to hastinapur even i am restless but have faith on god now go and sleep 

subhadra nodded and went to her chamber 

arjun : where were you 

subhadra : i just went to meet draupadi jiji 

arjun nodded and they both went to sleep 

in midnight 

subhadra woke up with a jerk she was sweating badly arjun also woke up and seeing her condition arjun got to know that she has seen some bad dream so he just hugged her 

she also hugged him tightly as she needed his warmth at the movement 

to make her calm down he started carassing  her hair after some time she calmed down a bit 

arjun : what happened subhadra 

at this subhadra started remembring the dream 


she saw fire 

a girl was crying a man was there

it seemed like a royal palace 

a women was brought 

someone was cursing someone 

people were laughing evilly and suddenly 

she woke up

dream ends 

she was scared so she hugged arjun again although her mind said that she hated arjun but her  heart knew that she can never hate arjun because she loves him but her mind was making her believe that arjuns love was fake 

soon she slept in his embrace 

he laid her and slept beside her embracing her protectively and providing her with warmth 

to be continued 

sorry for the late update 

hope you liked the chapter 

excited to know what next 

wait for the next chapter 


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