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"Okay Fuck face~ I'm going out with the guys again! I'll send you pictures~!"

The voice didn't even give a chance to respond as she already left

In the living room, a lifeless boy sat on the couch, his eyes lost of all life...His body riddled with bruises, cuts and marks...all from her...

It wasn't always like this...Childhood friends turned lovers...He always did his best to make her smile...make her feel loved, warm and never alone...and they were didn't last...

First came the negligence...

Second came the psychological and wording Damage...

Third came the physical Abuse...

And fourth...Open attempt at hiding...

He could remember it clear as day...each step...

"W-what? But we had plans today, you even said-"

"Ugh! Just shut up! You're so annoying! Some stuff turned up, that's all so shut up!"

"I...I know you didn't mean couldn't have..."

"Oh I do you little bitch, no friends, nobody but me, what if I was gone? What if I decide that you're too clingy and pathetic? If I leave you for a real man~?"

"P-please stop lying! I-it hurts!"

"Aaww~ Does it hurt you fucking bitch? Good"

"You never do anything right! I told you to add the sugar first!"

"B-but I did-O-ow!"

"Clearly not enough! You useless bitch!"

She pushed him to the ground, his eyes looked up at her in Shock

"Why did I even bother Promising my future to a useless thing like you? So useless"

Soft moans can be heard from their...her bed...a heartbroken, tear riddled male could only watch as what looked like 3 men fucking his girlfriend...and she was enjoying every moment of it...their eyes met...and an evil smirk appeared on her face...freely saying...

"Get the hint now bitch~?"

For 3 months, that's how it went...she'd openly let him know where she was going...and he just listened...

Finally...he had enough...

Taking a last look behind him, he saw the house that they were in a ransack for his ex and her place for him...letting out a soft sigh, he slowly got his things and walked out, fading into the darkness...

(Timeskip, 3 months)

"He has to be here...he just has too..."

She was looking at a house...his house...her heart feeling constricted and her eyes red from the tears that have been falling...

"I-it'll be okay...H-he'll understand...H-he always understands...a-and we'll be together again...e-even if he abuses's okay...I deserve it..."

3 months she lived with the fact that she chose pleasure over happiness...3 months she let Filthy creatures have her instead of her chosen one...and in the last month...she saw what she'd become...a abuser...a wreck...

Seeing her 'harem' doing other girls than her...choosing new, 'better looking' girls...saying time and again that she was nothing but a slut...a whore to fuck...needless to say...she was angry...she knew secrets about them that they didn't want told...she made sure they suffered...but the damage was done...she was alone...cold...she thought no one cared for her...until she looked at her calender...November 2...h...he said he had something planned for their anniversary...

Suddenly, the weight hit her...she was happy...she was satisfied...with him...but she...drove him away...her eyes started watering as she gripped the sudden pain she felt in her chest...h...he would never have done what those fuckers did...he would never leave her...b...but she left him...her hands went to her hair, pulling at it as she realized what she has done...the pain she caused him...what was once pleasure for her turned into pain and heartache when she remembered what she did to him...what she called him...

"....Darling isn't a Darling isn't useless...he isn't a waste...I...I was the's all my precious starlight...I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry...please come back...please come back...I need you...please..."

For that one month she belittled herself, calling herself all the names she called him...thinking back...he never did anything wrong...making her her his full attention...never once going behind her back...never...forgetting her birthdays...their anniversary...she just hurt and drove off the one light in this dark world...the light that she could've had all to herself...but now...he's gone...lost in this cruel world...the darkness that could swallow him whole...the thought made her clench her fist...

No...she wouldn't let it...he was hers...all hers...the world can find someone else to torture...but not her light...she just needed to find claim him...but this time...fully claim one else's...he will be hers again...forever...

'Stupid useless whore...that's all I am...I'm nothing but trash...he's so much love is perfect...but I can't even give him my first time...those useless pieces of shits...I hate them...Stupid shit...I shouldn't have let them taken was his...I wanted to be claimed by that I think about Darling was definitely bigger than those sorry excuses of life...and I...I drove him away...My love...Please forgive me...You can use me like the toy I am if you want...I deserve to be punished...but only by you...any other trash...only you...can make my heart pound...I will get you back...even if I have to suffer...I'll do it...all for you...

Now at the door, her heart pounding in her chest...this door stood between her and her Light...she needed to get through...she needed to be with him...and nothing was going to stop her.  Slowly...she brought her hand to the door...only....

There was blood...coming from a body on the ground...and her heart instantly felt dread...

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