19 ~ The truth

830 29 101

TW: mentions of self harm, mentions of the bullying

The dates at the end of chapters are when I upload the chapter btw :)

The next morning George awoke later then he normally did. Not by much, but it meant that he wouldn't have much spare time to do things such as playing minecraft for half an hour.

He was in a rush to get to school, so he just ran there.

He did all of the things he needed to, except grabbing any breakfast or food for lunch. But he would be fine if he just got something after school to eat.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened on the way to school for george, just the same old things in the same old place.

Only one light burned inside of him creating motivation. The sooner the next few weeks of school was over the sooner he could spend over a month hidden away in his room from anyone. The sooner he could stop worrying about being social and when he could make more videos and do more streams.

He decided that after school that day he wanted to stream, for the first time in a while hw wanted to do something productive unaided. Wilbur was going to be so proud of him.

He entered the classroom exactly when the bell rang. A few people were already there but he didnt care, instead he just went to his seat in the back corner and went on his phone.

The positive things about being seated at the back of the class is that he could freely do whatever he wanted to without getting caught by anyone.

Soon enough, it was lunch and george was walking around the school. He felt something grab his wrist, which made him flinch a bit but he looked down to see there was someone's hand that got him and was trying to lead him somewhere. Looking up, he found that it was a very smiley Wilbur.

George followed him while trying not to scream due to the pressure on his wrist.

They eventually reached a mini wooden park on the outskirts of the school. George used to come here a lot before everything to do with his parents went wrong in his life. It was peaceful, calm and had a positive vibe that sprung up with it.

The nostalgic feelings soon went away when his wrist was released from the grip of his friend.

Is he my friend? I'm not sure, he sure in gnf's friend, but just Georges? I don't know. I hope so! On one hand, George wanted desperately to have at least one friend; but on the other, he didnt think it was possible for him to open up or trust anyone new.

George sat on the swings with wilbur and they sat in a comfortable silence.


Wilbur wouldn't force George to talk if he didnt want to, he'd just wait until he was happy enough and feeling ready to.


"So, hello I'm Wil but you can call me Wilbur, Wilby or even William i dont mind," Wilbur introduced himself, although George already knew who he was.

Should he reveal himself? Should he just full-on say who he was?

fuck it,

"I'm george, people call me gog, gogy, or goggles," George smiled weakly.

"I have a question, do you watch Georgenotfound?" Wilbur asked after saying hello to goggles.

"Uh- I mean not really, its, its odd, it doesnt matter." George covered up his mouth after realising what he was saying,

"You kind of sound like him!" Wil said softly to him.

"Isn't it obvious? I am him wilbur. Always have been, always will be." George said half heartedly, he felt emotionless, "Please dont spread it around as a rumour like everyone else probably will. Nobody likes me here, Clay helped John and James wilbur. They are the ones who hate me the most out of everyone. There's no point of me being here,"

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