Rumor has it

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No ones Pov
The rumour had been going round for a while now maybe even a year. The first to hear the rumour where the members of Hermitcraft , Grain could not believe what he was being told. Grain arrived at his working site to fulfil his jobs for the day when a young Blonde boy with blue eyes as deep as the ocean wearing a red and white t-shirt and blue trousers appeared out of no where. This is where our story starts

Grains POV:
I was in my working site which is more of a workshop than anything else. It's hidden away in the snowy mountains so that no one not even Mr MumboJumbo himself can disturb or distract me from the many tasks I needed to complete.
I'd been up since 6 Am working on a new invention it was .... Well it was a surprise for everyone else on our little Smp. At that moment I looked up to see before me a young boy no older than 17 with Ocean blue eyes wearing a red and white T- shirt and blue trousers, who had to be about 6'1 maybe 6'2. Staring at me with the intesety of a lion hunting it's prey.
I felt pretty uncomfortable and confused which must of shown in my facial expressions as the kid looked at me with a more relaxed expression and said "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. I saw this place and though that maybe whoever worked or lived here could help me pass on some information?"

I looked at this boy I was confused. How did this Kid fine this place? Where did this kid live? And most importantly, why does this kid need my help to pass on information? I ran a hand through my Sandy hair and asked the boy " Not to be rude or anything kid but where did you come from and how did you find this place?"
The boy chuckled to himself before parting his lips into a smile and answering with "I'm sorry but where I came from is none of your concern. But to answer you last question I once lived in the snow biomes and my frie- an old acquaintance of mine created a build quite similar to this hiding his button for the entrance in plain sight."
The boy looked almost sad when he mentioned the 'acquaintance' I almost felt bad for him. "Ah I hadn't thought about the fact someone else might have built something like this" I gestured to the building we were in. " Well kid what can I do for you?" I said giving the kid a smile.
The Kid cheekily grind in return saying "Oh nothing much I just need you to take this letter..." he said whilst pulling a letter out of his back pocket and handing it to me "And I need you to read it to everyone."

I looked down at the piece of paper that was ever so neatly folded up. I thought to myself what could possibly be in this that's so important? I looked at the boy once more and said "Ok I'll make sure I read it to everyone. Is that all?"
The boys stance, posture, facial expressions really everything changed in a matter of seconds to that of seriousness and urgency. "No there's one more thing. Everything in that letter is true weather you believe it or not is up to you, however I ask that you treat this with respect and delicacy as I need you to deliver this letter to the other Smps. This is not a joke and not something to be taken lightly. If I find out you have failed this simple request I have asked of you. I can assure you I will make you life a living hell." He spat the last bit out as though it was laced with poison, cracking his knuckles as well to add some extra drama.
I felt myself gulp in fear and my hands began to shake my thoughts going everywhere. I just about managed to spit out. " I.. I p..promise I'll do what you said nee..need to worry h..he..hey k..I..kid."
The kid gave a small nod in acknowledgement then turned around and started heading out of my workshop.
I let out a small sigh of relief and began to get back onto my work putting the letter into a safe that lay open behind me. I thought the kid had gone at least that was until I heard his voice shout "One more thing. My names Tommy, Tommyinnit. Not kid"

I laughed and thought to myself well Tommyinnit I shall look forward to seeing what your letter has to say and I do hope I see you again.
Three days later
At a meeting of the Hermircrafters

"Well I suppose your all wondering why I called you here for this meeting?" I asked, it was more of a rhetorical question as I already knew the answer.
" The reason why we are here is because Three days ago whilst in my workshop I was visited by a young boy of the name Tommyinnit." I took a quick pause to breath " I know it probably still doesn't answer your questions but Tommy gave a letter to read to all of you and to pass onto the other Smps. According to Tommy everything in this letter is true. It is up to you weather you believe it or not." I stopped. I looked out onto everyone at the meeting, we where in a grand hall a massive table lay out in a round sort of shape like the round table of King Arthur Pendragon. I looked down at the paper in my hand and started to unfold it when...
"Oi Grain not to be rude or anything but. Why the hell do you think this is so important so how do you know we can trust this kid?" Shouted one of the men in front of me. "Well- I I'm"
"If Grain trusts this boy why shouldn't we. Has Grain ever been wrong about trusting someone before?" Quietly shouted my dearest and oldest friend MumboJumbo. Silence fell , then people mumbled between themselves.
I cleared my throat "if you are done with you mother union i think now is the point I read this letter out."
Silence fell once again, I opened up the letter and my eyes met astonishing beautiful handwriting very clear to read.
So I began to read the letter out loud.
"Dear Members of the Smps,
You do not know who I am but I know who you are. I have traveled between the Smps in hopes of reuniting these once happy worlds. As I'm sure you all remember, there was once a Royal family that lived and ruled over all the worlds. No one dared to question them as they respected them to much. The worlds got along in perfect Harmony. That was until the death of the King and Queen.
You may be wondering what this has to do with anything at all. I assure you, you will have your answer but first I would like to take you back to the death of the King and Queen of the Smps.

Everyone knew who they were. They had no children but were expecting their first when they died in a tragic accident. What most people didn't know was that the child they were expecting was not their first in fact it was their third.."
I stopped words no longer abled to leave my mouth I was surprised there where no words to explain the shock. I looked at all my counterparts around me giving them a look as if to ask should I continue on? This was met with a look from MumboJumbo that said continue on we need to know more.
"They were to give both to their third three months after the accident but obviously they did not. They did not have an air to the throne as they had two daughters and nothing could be done until they married. Unfortunately they were both to young has they were only three and four. Their names where Heather and Chloe, they were the sweetest children I ever had the pleasure of meeting. I wish that there parents could see them however they are not abled to.
You may be wondering if either of them are now married but that is not the case in fact they both actually were adopted by my sisters family knowing who they are they passed on the powers and positions they had to their adoptive brother.
Their brother is the crown prince and shall be coronated to King on the 8th September 1666.
Invitations shall be sent out at a later date but I need you to know the Monarchy is back and is stronger than ever.
Yours Sincerely
Royals Guard C
Ps we will be expecting you once the Invitations are sent out. There is no excuse to not attend. This is mandatory that you attend."
I stopped for the final time and felt an rush of emotion come over me. The first being shock the excitement then sacredness. What if this is all a set up? What did Tommy have to do with this? Are the royal family really back? Who's the new King? These questions rushed through my brain. Then I heard something from my counterparts that bought me back to reality.
"If this is true that the royal family are back what does this mean for all of us?"
"It means a new chance at peace it means no more going to war with each other it finally means we can all rest" MumboJumbo said tears falling down his face. I was surprised he wasn't one to cry but the smile on his face meant that for once in all of our lives since 17 years ago we can finally have what we've wanted for so long. Peace...

Hi guys that's the end for this chapter but I hope you enjoyed the next chapter should be out soon and I'll see you next time.
Word count: 1705

King of the Smps Tommyinnit AngstWhere stories live. Discover now