The Time has come.

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No ones Pov:
Grian knew what he had to but he was anxious to do it.
How would those from the other Smps react to him being there ,not to mention how they'd react to the letter he had to read to them?
Let alone how they'd react to the news about the royal family coming back. A million different thoughts ran through his head but Grian knew what he had to do and now he was perspired to do his "Duty".
It took him 11 months to travel to each Smp, normally spending a week or two with them. Everyone reacted to the news in there own way. Some where happy, others were scare. I mean who could blame them after all the new so called King was someone nobody knew a thing about. What if he was evil? What if he caused wars and poverty? What if..? There were so many what ifs and so what's but people could agree on one thing whatever was to happen they would try and enjoy the new life they will soon lead no matter what.
Everyone Grian had met no matter what they thought about the situation always treated him with respect as they knew he was only doing his job.
Grian let out a breath of air and saying to himself ok only one more Smp to go! The dream Smp.

Tubbos Pov:
I was in my office half asleep. I'd spent the night the same as any other dreaming about Tommy. Each time I fell asleep I dreamt of the adventures we'd been on and the things we accomplished. They always felt so real. But of course they were always to good to be true.
It been 2 years since Tommy was out in exile I miss him a lot and wish I could go back in time and change things but I can't, and besides it was what was best for our nation. Right ? Wasn't it?.
I shook my head pulling myself out of my day dream just in time for my office door to be slammed open revealing a hunched over Quackity and an out of breath furry,Fundy.
I looked  shocked but said in a cool calm composer "what happened?"
Fundy looked at me then down at Quackity his face turning pale "It's the portal to the nether somethings going on it's not good. You need to come and quick."
I immediately jumped to my feet and ran out of the room and out of the government office building. If something is happening to the portal it would cause major issues as it connects the whole of the Dream smp together as many of us have gone to different parts of the land but whish to remain civilised to each other. Well mabey all except Tecno and dream.
However for the safety of L'manburg and the entire Dream smp we needed to solve and fix the issue with the nether portal because if we don't it could lead to disasters including another war.
As i ran down the prime path towards the nether portal i could see the purple of the portal sparking and exploding like a firework. My breath caught in my throat, I'm not a fan of fire works on the best of days but this situation with the portal reminds me of the time Tecno took my first canonical life by killing me with a firework. I still remember how it felt, it was like my entire body was on fire but as soon as i felt the fire I stopped feeling anything. I was numb.
I hadn't realised it until i heard Quackity's calming voice saying "Breath with me Tubbo, that's right just breath with me. It's all ok nothing bad is going to happen." I was having a panic attack. Normally Tommy would be the one to calm me down however since he was exiled Quacity had stepped up. I slowly started to calm down and finally was able to open my eyes and see Quackity smiling at me saying "See it all ok".
At that point is when we all looked over to the Nether Portal and heard a scream. The scream was extremely loud but didn't sound like someone was in danger, it was more like someone had decided to jump from a great night and were having fun. If you understand what I mean. If you don't, in other words the scream sounded like someone screaming from sheer joy or the thrill of whatever they were participating in.
Our eyes all stayed on the Portal, we were joined by several more member of the dream smp who had rushed over after hearing about the portals 'Malfunction'. Jack, Nikki, Bad, Skeppy, Sapnap, Sam, Karl heck even George was here. We all just stared at the portal the scream gradually getting louder, none of us dared to say a word in case we made the situation worse. Then just as soon as the scream became even louder it stopped and the portal stopped acting like a firework. It was back to normal. I cleared my throat to speak when Jack inturupted me saying "What the hell was that?" "I have no idea" answered Nikki, "Whatever it was it seems to be over so mabey we should go home?" Suggested Karl. Unanimously we all agreed to go back to our homes when all of a sudden i looked over my shoulder at the portal and there clear as day was a man walking through. Nobody i knew or had ever seen in the smp before. I quickly got over my shock and said "Who are you?" The man looked at me then at all my counterparts who had come running back when they heard me speak. "My name is Grain and i come baring news. The news is important and true you can believe it or not if you wish they don't mind, however before i get on with anything is there any chance i could possibly have some food?" Asked the man "I'm positively starved." He joked.
I looked at him then back at my counterparts and nodded "Yes you can.". I looked at him a bit longer taking in his features, he had Sandy blonde hair, light skin, Brown eyes and a red jumper with black trousers on. I swear he looked identical to tommy apart from his height as he was shorter than Tommy by about a couple inches and his brown eyes. (Quick note i have no idea what Grians height is so i just said he was shorter than Tommy. I hope that's ok.) the man returned the kindness with a smile and said "Thank you ever so much. I can' begin to tell you how exhausting it was to get the portal from Smp earth to connect to this portal. I felt like i was pulling the teeth of the Enderdragon out."
"Well if you'd like to follow us all we can take you to the governmental office and we can decided what to do with you afterwards." I said. I turned around and started walking back up the prime path through the old L'manburg to the newly built L'manburg. We arrived at the government office and i opened the doors, moving out of the way so that everyone who had been there when the portal started acting up could come inside.
Once we were all inside i ushered them into the main hall gesturing them to the seats around the tables. I walked out of the hall and went into my office grabbing some bread and some water. I came back into the hall and gave the man some water and some bread. I then sat down and asked as he was shoving the bread into his mouth "So um.. what are you doing here uh.." "Grian" he said through a mouthful of bread. "Ah ok. So, Grain what are you doing here?" I asked again. "Well...*nom nom* I er well I was given a letter by someone named... *nom nom* Tommy*nom nom* and I need to rea-"he rambled on whilst still eating. "Wait did you just say Tommy. Do you man Tommy as in Tommyinnit?" I shouted. The room went quite with shock not a word was ushered until Grian chocked on his food and looked up at me with a shocked look saying "You know Tommyinnit?"
"Yes" i answered.
This is concerning. A man i never met called Grian has a letter from Tommyinnit who's supposed to be in exile and have no contact with the outside world who still managed to give a letter to this man. Dream is going to be furies when I tell. Tommy will have to be kept in exile for even longer now I suppose and more than likely will have his privalages of mining and stuff like that taken away from him. To be honest I'm quite hurt, why would Tommy contact a random stranger rather than me. I'm his best friend i should be the one he talks to not some Hermit!
"Ah well if you know Tommy then i guess he already told you about what's contained in the letter then?"grain asked.
"No. Tommy well... Tommy was exiled a long time ago for burning down Georges house." I say pointing to George.
"Oh." Said the man. "I guess i should problay tell you what the letter says then however before i begin there's a few things i need to say."
The room fell silent once again except this time all eyes were on Grian "so as i was saying when we were at the portal, What is contained in this letter is true and its up to you wether you believe it or not. Also this letter as far as I am aware was not written by Tommy it was just delivered by him. And finally is this everyone of the Smp because it not then you'd best gather them here. I'm under strict instructions to tell everyone on each smp what the letter says."
I shook my head and said "No this isn't everyone and I'm afraid you won't prolly get everyone in one room since after all we are enemies with the Dream Team and Tecnoblade."
Grain looked at me and said "Again I will not share what's in the letter until everyone is here."
"Can't you just tell us then tell them?" Asked Fundy.
Grain looked at him and laughed. "Listen Furry. If not everyone is here i suggest you get them because if i don't do this the way i was told to I am going to be killed. Now you wouldn't  want me to be killed on you teratury now would you? Especially not when i come from the Hermitcrafters smp and we are know for being quite violent on the battle field when necessary."
Fundy's ears went down as did his tale.
Quackity put a comforting arm around him then looked at Grian saying "I get that this letter is so important but did you have to make fun at Fundy?"
Grain looked at Quackity and spat out "Oh I'm sorry am i supposed to magically know everyone's names?! And besides Furry was the only thing i could say to describe him as he's clearly no human nor Fox. So Fundy I am sorry for calling you a Furry but do you understand where i was coming from. Also Duck man are you always so rude to new people or am I just lucky."
Fundy opened his mouth to say something but i beat him to it. In an angry rage i shouted "Why the hell are you so rude? We already told you we can't have a meeting with everyone for our own safety so why not tell us?"
Grain looked at me again instead this time he had murder in his eyes "Ok! That's it kid. If your gonna do it the hard way we'll do it the hard way. I'll play your game!" He gave a sinesiter smile then before i Knew it I had a sword at my throat and i had a hand over my mouth.
"Now, your gonna do things my way. You" Grians voice echoed in my ears. "Yess?" Answered George "You seem to be the only one here who competent enough to do this task. I want you to contact everyone on this smp and get them here asap or this goat boys dead!" George nodded and instantly got his communicator out and began to contact everyone telling them that its a life or death emergency.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 ⏰

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