Chapter 2

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It's been five minutes since Bakugou left the bathroom, and Shouto is still confused and a little apprehensive. Sure, Bakugou had told him to leave the bathroom five minutes after he left to give time for Midoriya to get back to bed himself, but it's still worrisome. No one is supposed to know, but now Bakugou does. What will happen if Endeavor finds out that someone knows?

Whether Shouto thinks it's safe to leave the bathroom or not, he knows that he can't keep the angry boy waiting. Bakugou is anything but patient, and he knows better than to aggravate the blonde. Bakugou wanted to talk to him about something, something to do with his wincing in pain when the explosive blonde knocked into him earlier in the day, a moment that feels like it was forever ago at this point.

As the dual-quirked boy exits the bathroom, he finds Raven sitting there patiently waiting by the door. He's not necessarily surprised that she's there. Whenever he was home, she'd always be there, in whatever room he was in, and especially whenever his father was home. She'd stick even closer to the boy than normal as if she was going to protect him from Endeavor. If the man's reaction to her was anything to go by, she probably was protecting him just by being there as Endeavor seemed to fear her. Whatever she did, it had to have been while Shouto was asleep because he has no recollection of her ever doing anything that could lead to the number one hero being afraid of her.

When Shouto knocks on the door to Bakugou's room, the other boy opens it and practically drags him into the room before closing the door behind him. With the light in the boy's room, Shouto can see more of him, notice more things about him than the dim lights of the bathroom at night let him see, and he wonders to himself, has Bakugou's chest always been that big?

Katsuki is extremely uncomfortable letting his dual haired classmate into his room while he has nothing on to hide his birth gender, a discomfort that is intensified by the extra's fucking staring. "My fucking eyes are up here, Icy Hot!" he growls, fighting the urge to cross his arms over his chest. "Also, does your damn cat have to be in here with us?"

"I'm sorry, Bakugou. I didn't mean to stare. You just don't normally look like this." Shouto shrugs. "And as for Raven, I can't exactly tell her to leave. She does whatever she wants. You get used to it."

"Tch." He looks Icy Hot over once before speaking again. "Look, I don't really like being nice to you, but I can't let someone like me suffer. Okay? Don't expect me to act any different than normal in front of our classmates."

Shouto simply nods, not entirely understanding. "What do you mean by like you?"

"You really are oblivious. It's not a fucking act." He smacks his face with his right hand. "I wasn't born male you damn idiot. And before you ask, yes, fucking Deku knows. He knew me before I fucking transitioned."

Before he transitioned? That statement throws Shouto for a loop. Bakugou wasn't forced into this life?

"What do you mean forced?" Katsuki doesn't think that Icy Hot meant to say that out loud, but the thought makes him beyond angry. That's just as bad as his own father's insistence that he's a girl.

"When I was born, my father apparently could tell that I would have both quirks. My mother nearly died giving birth to me and had to have parts removed because of it." Shouto sighs remembering what his mother had told him a long time ago. "My father didn't believe that a girl could be strong enough to surpass All Might, so he bribed the doctors to mark me as male and started me on the shots from the earliest age the doctors deemed it safe."

"FUCK!" Katsuki has never felt more murderous than he does now. "No wonder your sister said she wouldn't let your father know someone found out. You didn't get a fucking choice. Do you even want to be a boy?"

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