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Love is a lot like luck.

Not that the two are similar in defintion, just in the way that they find you. I mean, you can't go looking for luck - it decides when to grace you with its power. Same way with love. A girl can go from guy to guy, searching for someone that's perfect for her, and never find it. A boy can flirt with tons of girls, and wind up just as confused as he was at the start.

In the end, it comes unexpectedly. At least, that's been my experience.

I'd never been much of a social person. Sort of a lone wolf, so to speak.  I mean, I had a few friends I could claim, but none that ever stuck. They'd come and go like the seasons, and I wouldn't really care. I never related to them, anyways. They never understood.

My days were dark, endless nights. Continuous, constant, unchanging. The first thirteen years of my life were all a blur - I couldn't name one remarkable or profound event that occured at all. But then . . . Evan.

He was like a glowing star - no, that didn't properly cover it. Like a meteor. A falling star. A comet. He lit up everything in his path, and gave the night colors. My eyes adjusted slowly to the blinding light, but I was glad there finally was light. It didn't matter that no one else approved, because this was my universe, and I'd been a lone planet far too long.

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