For Your Viewing Pleasure

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Kyungsoo was putting finishing touches on his canvas when the buzzer beeped. He hated any kind of disturbance. He begrudgingly climbed down the stepladder and headed to the door, his steps heavy from the Baekhyun-shaped chip on his shoulder.

Past the unlocked door was, just as he expected, Baekhyun---a way-messier version of the gold-adorned painting inside. A jumble of dyed gray hair, discourteous shoulder width, and awkward white-clad limbs, staring down at his own dirty white Nikes. His eyes lifted for a moment to meet Kyungsoo's, only to descend again.

"What are you doing here," Kyungsoo said, the end of his sentence missing the lilt that indicated a question.

"Let's go somewhere," Baekhyun ordered, eyes flashing. He was more than done with tiptoeing around Kyungsoo.

"I have nothing more to discuss with you." Kyungsoo's voice was a practiced kind of cold. "And if you'll excuse me. I'm really busy working on the painting."

Baekhyun breathed out brusquely. His hands smacked hard against the doorframe. "I can't stand it anymore. Just tell me what's going on, Kyungsoo-yah. I'll die if you keep this up."

"Giving a person space. Ever heard of that concept, Baekhyun-ah? I'm pretty sure you haven't." Kyungsoo slammed the door in Baekhyun's face, only for Baekhyun's foot to hinder it. The rascal never permitted denial of entry.

"I'm the person in your damn painting," Baekhyun grumbled. "But you never let me see it. At least grant me that privilege?" But for someone who's been totally ignored for three weeks straight, Baekhyun was holding up remarkably well. He wasn't making any attempts to elbow or strong-arm his way into Kyungsoo's studio, after all.

"It'll ruin the surprise," Kyungsoo said, fighting the urge to sweep Baekhyun's too-long bangs away from his face. Kyungsoo had been fighting a lot of urges recently.

"The surprise better be worth the long wait." Baekhyun huffed and indignantly folded his arms. "Anyway, let's go back to what I came here for. Let's go somewhere."

"What for?"

"So we can talk things out. You keep telling me off for being childish, but you're the one who's been sulking for three weeks. I think I gave you enough space."

He had a point. But he didn't deserve instant gratification at all. "Fine," Kyungsoo acquiesced. "But the sun's still too high up and I'm working. Wait for a few hours."

Baekhun's face lit up, and Kyungsoo almost smiled at it before he stopped himself. "Meet me at the foot of the Philcoa Bridge, southbound side. 3 PM," Baekhyun said in his bossy way before he scampered up to his parked Audi. Kyungsoo felt like taking back his agreement. He was being too merciful with Baekhyun.


It was a Saturday in mid-July. Baekhyun had gone back to work two weeks ago, which Kyungsoo was glad about. They hardly talked in the few times they saw each other. Baekhyun slept in the living room again.

Junmyeon conspicuously tried to delve into their problem, but Baekhyun, being a detestably great conversationalist, managed to steer the topic into subjects that captured Junmyeon's interest. Junmyeon took the bait each time. Not even a psychologist-in-training could resist Baekhyun's powerful persuasion, Kyungsoo thought. Even Kyungsoo himself was duped.

They crossed the pedestrian underpass that led to Quezon Memorial Circle. Baekhyun was maskless. Walking jauntily, almost skipping along like a little kid in a candy shop. He acted like he could really make do without a car.

The stairs leading up narrowed, since a large portion of it, probably under construction, was concealed with a tarpaulin. Baekhyun stepped aside, indicating that Kyungsoo should go first. Kyungsoo gave him one look before climbing.

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