Chapter Four

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song: What You Waiting For- Gwen Stefani

Your perspective:

"Well I'm glad to be one of the lucky few," I say adjusting his tie. As a spur of the moment decision I pull his tie down pulling him closer to me and kiss him. WOAH. It wasn't awkward and full of overthinking like most first kisses, his lips just melted into mine. It was perfect. I pull away from the kiss but he ends up following me trying to continue the kiss, "Wow," you state.

"What?" he asks furrowing his brows slightly.

"Look at you, I have you wrapped around my finger huh?" you let out a small smirk staring at him.

"I- Well-" he's stuttering? oh god y/n I think you broke him.

"I'll take that as a yes?" He looks at me and just nods. "Well... what are you waiting for?" I ask intently waiting for a response.

"I don't know what you mean Y/n." He states firmly trying to intimidate me I'm assuming.

"Oh well then I guess this is goodnight Aaron," you state smirking. You turn to walk away before he grabs your arm. "Wait- I don't have your number or contact details," crap he ruined your badass exit.

"I'll find you," you smirk and strut away as if you know what your next move is. You see in the glass door reflection Aaron is watching you walk away looking very confused.

You work your way back to the bar, maybe someone he came with is still there you can ask that seems like a solid plan. Once you get in the bar you order a lime and soda with ice and look around seeing only the older man with grey hair but when you look next to him you see the taller younger man sitting with him. Huh he must've came back after dropping his friend home. He looks over at you and smiles, you grab your drink and walk towards him. "Hi! Dr Reid am I right? Mind if I join you both?" You flash a friendly smile when the older gentleman nods towards the empty chair opposite them both. "Y- you can just call me Spencer, This is-"

"SSA David Rossi," he interrupts putting his hand out for you to shake. Of course you take it and smile back. "Y/n Y/l/n,"

"So how do you know boy genius here?" he asks before taking a sip of his drink.

"I don't really, I was sitting over there talking to Aaron." You gesture to the bar where a mere few hours ago you were standing with him.

"Oh well he left hours ago kid," David says sipping his drink.

"Oh I know! He left with me." You take a sip of your drink when Dave starts smirking at Spencer.

"OH NO not like that, well kinda like that," you smile to yourself. "I left him without getting his contact number or anything, do you know where he works so I can stop by tomorrow and get it?"

"Don't you just want me to give you his number?" David asks.

"No thank you, I'll just stop by tomorrow if that's okay?" He pulls out a notepad and pen and writes down an address and slides the paper to you. "Thank you," you smile and put the slip of paper in your pocket. "Your welcome Y/n." You sip your drink and check the time. 3am.

"How come you two are still here its 3am," you ask taking another sip of your drink.

"We're designated drivers for those two." They gesture towards a tall man with his tongue down someones throat and a tall dark haired lady grinding against a man and another lady. "They'll say they're sober but they can't drive themselves home." You all laugh before the tall man walks over, "Rossi I wanna go home and can we grab pizza on the way home please?" he whines. "Oh hey there baby how are you doing?" he looks over at you smiling.

You laugh a little looking over at Spencer and David and they chuckle, "I'm fine thank you, how are you?" you start laughing a little before David stands up.

"Lets go kid, now." He firmly escorts the man out and mouths the word sorry at you leaving you giggling.

"Hey Y/n? This might be a bit forward but could you help me get my friend Emily into my car? Normally Hotch, Aaron, takes Emily home but-"

"Oh yeah that's fine! It's sorta my fault you have to do it alone anyway," you both let out a small laugh while approaching the darker haired woman. "Hey Em! It's time to go now," Spencer tries reasoning with her.

"No Spence! The night is still young! WOAH! Who's your friend she's HOT!" she says to him yelling over the music. You blush a little, looking at the ground. "Hi I'm Y/n! You're also VERY hot!" It doesn't help she's standing right next to the speakers. You look at her and realise the only way to get her out of here without a fight. "Hey! Emily is it? Wanna get out of here?!" You ask in a flirty way smirking. Spencer looks shocked as if you were really about to take her somewhere so you give him a wink. "Sure, BUT only if pretty boy here doesn't join us." She smirks grabbing your arm. You both make your way to the exit, "My car is this way." You take her towards 'your car' and look for Spencer behind you. He realises what you're doing and unlocks his car. You open the passenger door for her as Spencer gets in the driving seat. "No fairrr I said he couldn't join!" she whines in protest causing you to giggle. "Maybe another night," you wink at her.

"Hey uh- Thanks Y/n," Spencer waves through the window. You nod at him flashing a small smile, "It's quite alright. Goodnight!" You wave them off as you locate your own car getting in it. You pull out the piece of paper with Aaron's workplace on it, Quantico BAU. Huh as in... the FBI? Did I just tease an FBI agent in the middle of the cinema lobby? OH GOD am I a FELON?



2 CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY?? WHO DIS?? anyways I'm watching criminal minds because you all rioted when u found out I've never seen past season 4 chronologically so yeah 0-0

Eat, sleep hydrate you deserve the world and I love you b <33

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