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Tommy walked along the prime path,thinking about everything and feeling sad.he was lucky no-one was around to see him like this.he hated pity,and that's what he'd receive if anyone saw him.tommy knew what happened if he...fell asleep forever,shall we say,but he would take that over...whatever the fuck this was.

Tommy,of course,had died in the prison,but when he got revived...he found that occasionally he would glitch,and it would give him the power to get anything for a while.he never abused that aspect though,only the going through walls and teleporting thing.

He heard the central portal make its serenade of screams,trapped pain perceived in noise,and felt drawn to it.the lava.the nether.he jogged toward it,anticipation flowing through him.he had felt weak all other times,more so when given pity,but he'd finally be strong.he paused.should he leave a note?yeah,yeah he probably should.after hurriedly writing a note,he entered the nether and pinned it under a rock,looking over the lava lake below the path that stretched for miles and miles.

He smiled,and smiled,and kept smiling long after he began falling.even when he heard the pained cry of ranboo screaming his name,he smiled.he never stopped smiling,even after falling into the lake itself.he knew he wasn't going to wake up at home,but he'd come back as a ghost.he'd look after shroud still,with an added upgrade.he didn't die straight away,and that didn't bother him.the lava was warm,so very,very warm.and it was homely.

Tommy felt parts of his body disappearing,and the blood spurt out only to be singed and Tommy didn't think it was worth it anymore,but still Tommy knew it'd pay off in the end.he hoped.he really,really hoped.he also really,really hoped that dream didn't ressurect him.he couldn't deal with the whole "oh my stars,you got revived?!" Bullshit again.or the pity he received.finally,his eyes began to draw to a close,the painful process(in which he could hear ranboo screaming,others trying to get information out of him and only receiving quick,shouted words.this was all muffled,but Tommy knew what was happening.until,of course,the lava burned his ears off and he could no longer hear)drawing to a close.

He let himself sink,and imagined he was falling asleep after hurting was nice,and with that,the long life of tommyinnit (who had already died but didn't seem to count) was drawn to a close,and only really signalled he was truly dead to the others by the single message that played:

Tommyinnit jumped in lava.

And with that,phantommy and ghostinnit were born.maybe a certain god was watching and decided that they should get involved.however,for now,they would sit back and observe.


A/N:heyo!sorry this isn't a thousand words but this is a prologue,so next chapter I will try and get above a thousand words,so please bear with me.thank you!

Please take care of yourself,and I hope you have a great day/night and I'll see you next upload!

Word count:
536 words!

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