her aura long back
driven by the ecstacy of honey
by the yearning pleasure of youth
by the joyous attention all-over
by the Lucifer in disguise
by his temperament in precise
was kept high all day
these medications day by day
gradually became an overdose
lil did she knew
they were peace sucking leeches
and not earthworms for good.
they seemed to spread happiness
but slowly intoxicating lousy
after days and days
of feeling feeble and helpless;
the dismay caused now
is no longer a setback
her aura seeks redemption
but through the curiosity
called the live-learn-shine weed,
a weed whose addiction
no longer provides anguish
but accomplishments.
SARAH's Journey
PoetrySarah recently came out of a relationship which was toxic on so many levels. She decided not to entertain such things in life anymore instead getting started to work on herself and towards her goals. Throughout her life journey she meets people of d...