Chapter 1 ~ Mornings

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Hi guys My real name is Rylee!!!' I would like to delicate this story to my best friends out there the ones who are always there. I hope you enjoy!


My POV: "Earthda Julie!" I heard a familiar voice say. "JUILET ANN THOMAS!" I heard the same voice again but this time it was yelling.

I grabbed a pillow and put it over my head. "Nooooo... five more minutes..." I begged.

"Nope!" She replied popping the p.

"FINE!" I yelled sitting upward. My hazel eyes popping out of my head as she started to tickle me. "Liz stop!!" I screamed giggling. I managed to roll off the bed landing with a big thump on my cold wooden floor. That earned a laugh my both Liz and I. "HURRY UP GIRLS!!" My mom screamed from downstairs. "OK!!" I hollered back. I got off my feet and walked over the bathroom door. As I bumped my butt on it I fell backwards not realizing it was cracked slightly more than normal. Liz stretched a hand out to me offering to help me up while laughing so hard she was crying. "STOP LAUGHING" I said in my best toddler voice while giving her the pouty face. She was now doubled over in the floor next to me laughing super hard. It made me smile to myself, I was happy I was capable of making my friends laugh.

"I'm taking a shower... Soooo you can help my mom with breakfast or

pick out my outfit..." I said kicked her out of the bathroom. She sat there and thought for a minute "Ok!"

*15 min later* I walked out of the bathroom with my sea foam green bathrobe on. I looked around but Liz is nowhere in site. "LIZ!" I hollered. Ugh I muttered under my breath "ELIZA LOU JOHNSON!!" I yelled even louder, "WHERE IN THE SAM HELL ARE YOU!!!" I added. "Language!" my mother yelled at me from downstairs. I went over to the staircase saw the blonde hair swinging back and forth as she tore up the stairs. She reached my room her crystal blue eyes blinked at me and walked farther in sitting in the love seat in my room "Whaaaaaaaat!" She yelled back as she finished getting comfy with a small bowl of fruit settled in her lap . "Which one is mine?" I asked smiling as I pointed to my bed were six outfits laid out neatly consisting of both her and my clothing. She paused then walked over and grabbed a suitcase out of my closet. "I guess all!" She said smirking. "Oh, oh." I said. She kept smirking while walking over to my closet again.

Liz's POV: I kept smirking to myself. I still couldn't believe Julie's mom had agreed! I already had everything ready and in my car. All I needed to do was get all of her stuff ready and do a couple of pit-stops. I started shoving all of her clothes in the suitcases except for her warm jackets. I kept scurrying around her room gathering her undergarments, swimsuits, and other clean clothes. "Ok! That parts done now...." I said then ran and grabbed her duffle bag and headed to her bathroom. I stuffed it with her makeup, jewelry, deodorant, perfumes, shower stuff, towels, and other supplies she will need or want. "Time to go girls!" I heard Julie's mom Nancy yell. "Coming!" I hollered back turning around to see Julie had dressed herself in dark denim shorts and white volleyball t-shirt. We went downstairs and I grabbed ALL of her shoes except all but one pair of her winter boots. "HEY!" She said, "I wanted to wear my white flip flops. "We have to go and now!" Nancy said from behind me. "Yes, mam!" I said saluting her. Julie cracked up laughing behind me. "Ok, everybody grab your keys!" I hollered put in my shoes, "LETS GO, LET'S GO!" An with that we walked out of the door and locked it behind us.


1.)What do ya think so far?

2.)It WILL get more interesting I promise!

3.)I will need 1+ votes 1+ comments till I post next chapter!

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