Chapter 3 ~ Cabin

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Heyyyy sorry it's been so long....


Julie's POV:

Opening my eyes I looked around the beautiful landscape that was nothing like Fargo, North Dakota... It was quite here the trees swaying in the soft wind, the lonely log cabin on a lake. It was nice and spaces and from what I could see we were surrounded by trees.

"Where are we?" I said in awe.

"Fall Lake" Liz said obviously happy I was in this state, I'm not complaining or anything either.

"Where is that?" I looked at her clearly confused. But hey! I like to know exactly where I am.

"By Winton." She replied, but I still looked at her confused before she rephrased it. "North of Ely Minnesota." She finished rolling her eyes. I just let an ohhhh slip out of my mouth when I heard about I don't know 5-10 voices. Turning around I saw four guys and three girls walking towards us.

"Stop!" I yelled at them. Which in turn left me with seven confused faces not counting Liz 's or mine. "Who is who?" I asked.

"I'm Livi..." A short, skinny red haired girl said stepping forward. Now that she was closer I could see her blue eyes with green specks in them, and her red freckles, "it's short for Olivia." She said I could tell she was kinda shy. So I gave her a smile.

"You OBVIOUSLY know me!!!" A familiar voice said.

"I don't remember you..." I teased the tall dirty blonde.

"It's Trent... GAUD Julie!!!!" His plump pink lips pouted and slouched his strong looking broad shoulders, but his dark brown eyes still sparkled mischeivioisly.

"Oh hey... next!" I said waving him off then smirking.

Next came forward the smallest of the guys, but don't get me wrong he still had a nice build he was just a little shorter but having his reddish brown spike a little made up for his height. "Hey." Was all the green/brown speckled eye boy had to say for me to know who it was. "Hey Nate!" I said smiling at his perfect white smile when I said his name. "WHAT!! You remember HIM but not ME!!" Trent said in the highest voice he could handle (which to be honest wasn't that high)

"oh go unpack!" I replied.

"I'm Katie." Someone said proudly, I turned and saw a black haired girl who was probably around my height (mediumheight) maybe a little taller but had a nice build not to skinny but defiantly not chunky. Her bright green/blue eyes shown eagerness and excitement as she walked straight up to me and put her hand out for me to shake. "Nice to meet you," I said shaking it with a smile, "if you didn't hear Trent I'm Julie." "Hey"

"I'm Cameron but everyone I know calls me Camo." Said the tall brunette, wearing yup camo and jean shorts. She was bigger but to my guess it was more muscle because she didn't look over weight. Her blue eyes shown with joy and with the huge white smile she was wearing you could tell she was never unhappy. I gave her a similar smile and nod before looking back at the others.

The last two guys one of them is Jace the other Chuck. As if reading my mind the almost black haired, light brown eyed guy came forward his tall lean but muscular frame barely working a muscle. "Do you remember me?" The dark husky voice asked. "Chuck?" I asked with a sharp breath. Good things a guys looks don't kill otherwise I'd probably be lying dead right now.

At that moment Jace stepped forward, "And then there was one." He joked running a hand through his messy chocolate brown hair he wasn't to tall but he wasn't short you could tell he was fit because his grey t-shirt stuck to his abs and biceps. His smile reached his hazel eyes like mine except his were more brown while mine are more green. "Let's go unpack?" I said hoping I sounded steady.

"Chuck? Hey man!" I heard before spinning around to see a pair of deep brown eyes matching perfectly with his slightly messy hair. His smile widened when he saw me. "Well you really have grown up Julie!!" Listening and looking more carefully I realized it was my childhood best friend before I moved, "Seth? Is that really you!!?" I asked in disbelief. "You bet it is!" He replied smirking. "Oh my gosh I've missed you!!" I said nearly in tear sits been way to long, "come on we gotta make sure we get decent rooms!" I said walking to the house still hugging Seth.


"Ok so there is only five rooms." Liz said looking and all ten of us.

"Nate and Jace, you two okay sharing." She asked looking at them. I return we got an okay and a nod out of both.

"Camo and Livi...? How bout you guys?" She asked looking at them. Sure they replied smiling.

"I call Liz!" Katie yelled out.

"Ok me and Kate are sharing." Liz said nodding.

"Ummm Chuck and Trent are sharing.... Which leaves Jules and Seth..... Is that okay with everyone?" We all nodded in return.

"Okay are your marks get set.... Go find a room!!" And with that we all took off with our partners and our suitcases. The order ended up being the first two rooms was Liz and Katie on the right, Livi and Camo on the left. Then down a little farther was Jace and Nate on the same side as Livi, and Chuck and Trent between the bathroom and Liz. Which makes Seth and I have to share the room across from it on the end.


After unpacking and everyone's mini naps, we all got dresses up in sweats and hoodies with lots if bug dope and started a fire.

"I'm back!" Camo hollered out showing us the hot dog and s'more supplies.

All of us let out a big cheer.

"Gimme the FOOD" I yelled out.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2014 ⏰

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