Being in a Poly Relationship With the Bakusquad

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Series/Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia

Character(s) x Reader: Bakusquad x GN!Reader (Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Ashido all x reader)

Relationship to Reader: Romantic

Reader Specifications: None

Word Count: 518

Warnings: Bakugou and Ashido wanting to throw hands and kick ass.

Requested: No

A/N: My blog and works no longer show up in the Tumblr Search engine so I am going to repost all my works onto my Wattpad.


Hero or not, Bakugo would want to train with you himself if you have a quirk.It's not that he thinks you're weak. Quite the opposite actually and he wants to personally see for himself how well trained you are because it can put him at ease knowing that you're capable of defending yourself in case of any emergencies where he or the others can't be there in time.Go to Kaminari or Bakugo for some fashion advice.Kaminari because he knows the trends and is actually pretty knowledgeable on what looks good together and Bakugo because well.. His parents work in the fashion industry.Kirishima, Ashido and Sero are always down if you need to open up to someone about anything and are the best at making you feel better.Ashido always has something new to talk about and try and like hell would she leave you out of it.She wants you to try it with her and would probably drag Kaminari along, too.Sero is the type of person who will offer you a massage if you're feeling sore or have any aches.Depending on your mood, he's down to crack a few jokes here and there while giving you a massage or he'll hum or softly sing a song from his childhood to sooth you, making you melt in his hands until you slowly drift away to sleep.Kirishima is the optimist so whatever negativity or worries you have, whether you're hiding it or not, he will make sure that those go away or at least take your mind off of them.He genuinely wishes that you could see yourself in the same light he sees you and wants to help build that self-love until you're confident in yourself.They're all always down for cuddles.. Even Bakugo who won't openly admit it but you can tell by just a look.Is also the type to have tickle fights if you're okay with it and will add a bunch of kisses all over your face and body in between their tickle attacks.If he's feeling playful or it's just the two of you, Bakugo will poke at your ticklish spots just to see you crack a grin but he won't full on attack you like the others would.If anybody, and I mean anybody, dares to hurt you or make you sad, you can bet they are getting ready to kick their ass into the next dimension.You'd be able to convince Sero, Kirishima and Kaminari to not go with it but Ashido and Bakugo would be ruthless and make sure the jerk gets their ass handed to them.Though the chances that they don't get to beat the living hell out of the person, Bakugo will surely make them go deaf with how loud he's yelling.. Or at least traumatized in some sort of way.They each make sure they have their own special nickname/petname for you and on rare occasions will call you by your actual name unless they're being serious.If you hear Bakugo calling you by your full name, run.

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