Chapter 2

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Thelonius walked to where they had left Caspian. He stood next to him then reached down and offered his hand. Caspian sat up and looked at Thelonuis's hand. Caspian just ignored it.

"Follow me," Thelonius said starting to the other side of the ship. Caspian did as he was told and silently followed him. Thelonius took them off the ship and to the shack. Ace and Alek were already there and were startled when they saw the state of Caspian and how serene Thelonius was.

"There was an incident," Thelonius told them. "Sit," He told Caspian and gestured to the stool that was next to the kitchen counter. Caspian just sat and kept quiet.

"Do you want to explain this 'incident' to us?" Ace questioned. Alek walked away and grabbed some bandages.

"Caspian here decided to make Annie mad. She didn't like what he had to say." Thelonius put it frankly. The four of them just stayed silent. Alek helped Thelonius bandage Caspian.

"Caspian you can sleep in there. I'm going over to the ship" Thelonius said pointing to what is usually his room. He left without waiting for a response. He walked to the ship and then sat outside of Annie's staircase and pondered his decision to help Caspian. He knew that he did the morally right thing but he was still hurt by Caspian's words. He knew that he didn't deserve to be helped.

Thelonius silently crept down into Annie's room. He sat on the floor with a blanket from the pile of stuff she had made. He lay down on the hard wooden floor with his arm under his head. He stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.

* * *

"Theo, Theo, Theo," Annie shook Thelonius awake. When she woke that morning she was startled by him lying on the floor. She wondered what happed after she went to her room last night. Thelonius stirred.

"What, w-what's happening" He stammered. His eyes were still closed as he started talking. When they slowly opened they focused on Annie. "Oh, hello there"

"Why are you in my room?" Annie asked. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion. Thelonis sat up and stretched his back putting his arms over his head.

"Oh, I'm in here because Cas is in my room" Thelonius yawned.


"Caspian, but Cas is easier to say"

"Oh ok then."

Thelonius watched in awe as Annie stood up and folded the blanket he used. She placed it back on the pile. He could watch her all day, she always seemed to be doing something.

"Stop looking at me like that, I'm not a piece of meat," Annie scoffed. "Get. I'm going to change"

"Okay, I'm going." He stood up and went to find Caspian to see how he was doing.

Annie sat on her bed and thought about the events of the night before. She sighed and got up. She got ready and went to find her brothers. They were already ready for their practice.

"Annie, come here!" Asher yelled from where they were, which wasn't that far. Annie walked over and was very confused about where Thelonius was and why they all looked excited.

"Why are you guys so happy?" She asked them.

"That's because they have something to tell you. I talked with Thelonius and your brothers, we came to an agreement." Captain Silver-Tounge said appearing from nowhere.

"Oh, what is this "agreement"?" Annie asked growing more excited by the second.

"Well, do you guys want to tell her?" The captain asked. He had a huge grin on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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