Chapter 1 - Welcome Back

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Scarlet Day stared at the giant black metal gate in front of her. The brick wall that surrounded STAR Academy seemed to have grown taller, since the last time she saw it.

STAR, which stands for Spy Training and Resistance, is an elite boarding school that trains young girls to become secret agents for the government. Most of the girls here are either born into this life or have been selectively chosen across the country.

Scarlet had spent the summer in her hometown, staying with her mom, while soaking up the sun in Southern California. It had been a relaxing and well needed break from her intense schooling.

She peered at the gates once more, and could not help but wonder if the gate was to keep visitors out or to keep students in. Either way she knew once she crossed the line, she no longer had the comfort of doing what she pleased. Everything she did from this point on played a crucial role in her future.

"Give me a big kiss sweetie," Scarlet's mom, Katherine, spoke.

"Mom relax, I will see you at Christmas! It's only a few months away," Scarlet consoled her mother, who was now in tears.

"I know. It's just this Summer went by so quick, and you're my little girl."

"I will Facetime you every week, just like I have done for the last five years."

"Okay and if you miss one week, I will drive down here and kick your booty."

"Deal. I have to go now, I don't want my friends to see us crying," Scarlet said quickly surveying her surroundings.

"Fine, fine, just remember to tell me if you need me to send you more shampoo. Only use what I have given you," Katherine said sternly.

Scarlet laughed. Of course, her mom would mention her hair. Katherine was a hair dresser, and having healthy hair was an essential part of being a Day woman. Scarlet's thick, frizzy, and red hair had always been a challenge to control, but luckily, her mother was an expert on hair management. Katherine adored Scarlet's hair and that was the reason, she named her only daughter Scarlet.

Scarlet gave her mom one more quick hug. Truth be told, Scarlet was going to miss her mom, more then she let on. Her mom is always like a beacon of light. Not once had she heard her complain about Scarlet going to boarding school across the country. Katherine respected her wishes, even if it meant lonely months alone.

Scarlet always felt a large weight on her back though, as her mother did not know what really happened at her boarding school. Katherine was under the impression that Scarlet was attending the number one school in the country due to her academic success. Scarlet hated keeping secrets from her mom, but she knew she had no other choice.
Although, deep down Scarlet knew that her biggest fear was that her mom would never look at her the same again. Katherine thought of Scarlet as her little angel. Little did she know that Scarlet knew how to kill a person 32 different ways.

"Oh last thing, when you see your father, please give this to him," Katherine spoke professionally handing her an envelope.

Scarlet nodded and then grabbed her suitcases.

As she entered the gates, she knew her days of laying in the sun were over.


Scarlet walked down the long hallway, observing her living quarters for the next year. Being a senior at STAR Academy came with many perks. Seniors are given the best rooms on campus and receive the privilege of choosing their own roommate.

Scarlet fished her key out of her bag, and when she opened the door she came face to face with her favorite person.

"Oh my gosh! You're finally here!" she squeaked.

Ashley Stone, also known as Scarlet's best friend.

"Like always my mother refused to let me go," Scarlet laughed.

Ashley immediately engulfed her in a giant bear hug. Scarlet despises when others invade her personal space, but she has always made an exception for her very affectionate best friend.

"Do you like our room? I hope I didn't go overboard?" Ashley asked while bouncing back and forth on her feet.

Scarlet glanced around the room. Only one word came to her mind. Pink. Everything was pink. Ashley had mentioned that she was hiring an interior designer to decorate their room, so Scarlet gave her full permission to design it however she desired. Scarlet now wondered if maybe she should have given a little more input in the process.

Everything from pink wallpaper to a pink rug was in their room. Scarlet could not deny the fact that the room did look well put together. If it was any other color Scarlet would have been overjoyed. She smiled at the fact that her bed spread was black and white, knowing that Ashley probably made sure to tell the decorator not to have any pink on her bed.

"I love it Ash," Scarlet smiled as her best friend clapped in excitement, then proceed to jump on her bed.

Ashley finally settled down and sat on her bed, while Scarlet started unpacking her suitcases.

"So how was your summer?" Ashley asked

"Boring. Which was perfect," Scarlet said recalling the long days she spent on the beach just reading a book, something she never has time to do at school.

"Well I had an eventful summer," Ashley spoke as she began informing Scarlet of her many boyfriends and the drama that followed.

Scarlet had never had a boyfriend, nor had she ever wanted one. Boyfriends were only trouble. She did not need any distractions in her life. If she wants to finish at the top of her class, she cannot have an useless boy hanging over her head. Besides she attends an all girls school, and long distance relationships are pointless.

"So what is the big announcement today?" Ashley questioned Scarlet.

Word has spread that a big change was happening this year, but no one knew what it was. The rumors have been crazy. One girl said they were going to start cloning us, so that the government could have twice the number of agents.

"I have no idea, but it has something to do with all the new buildings they built over the summer. Maybe they are going to start training girls at a younger age," Scarlet replied.

"Come on, you have to know. Just tell me" Ashley pleaded.

"Just because he is my dad, does not mean he tells me anything. I haven't seen him since May."

"Well we are going to find out at orientation."

Scarlet glanced at her clock, her eyes went huge, "Which started ten minutes ago!"

Ashley and Scarlet silently cursed as they quickly gathered their notebooks and raced to the lunchroom, where first day orientation was always held. Tardiness at STAR Academy was not acceptable.

They skidded to a halt in front of the large dining room doors. Scarlet motioned with her head to a side door around the corner, where the servers enter. They both entered the kitchen, where the cooks gave them a knowing smile. Luckily, they all knew Scarlet very well, from her constant late night snack adventures.

They slipped in the door to the main room, and began to tiptoe to the first open seats. They successfully sat down without anyone paying attention to them, or so they thought.

"Scarlet, Ashley, so nice of you to join us," the headmaster spoke, "Ladies, this is a perfect example of not being late, consider this a warning to all, tardiness will not be tolerated here," the headmaster scolded.

All the girls snickered and looked their way. Scarlet glared back, while Ashley smiled as if nothing was wrong.

"Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted. The big announcement I know you all are anxiously awaiting," he paused enjoying the eager looks upon the girls faces, then began again, "STAR Academy is no longer a girls only school."

The dining room became deathly quiet.

"Yes ladies, this means boys are coming to STAR Academy," the headmaster concluded.

Suddenly, the dining room erupted with noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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