My momma told me
There was no such thing as happily ever after
I didn't believe her
It happened in the moviest
So surely it could happen
To meBut momma,
I should have listened to
You were wise yet naive at
The same time
I was foolishNow look at me momma
Don't I look pretty?
Laying in my casket?
Just like a doll
PlasticI used to want to be a
With pretty blond hair
Blue eyes
Pink lips
So I became onePlastic
Living a fake life
With fake friends
And to top it off
My very own ken dollAnd you know what
My ken did to me?He cheated on me
With my very own
Best friend
In my very own
BedAnd I grew tired
I wanted to be realSo I grabbed my pills
And ate them like
A child eats her
Then all at onceAnd I felt real momma
Like a real
FakeI'm not a Barbie anymore
Are you not proud?
I decided to be dead
InsteadNow your sitting at my funeral
Probably crying with
My friends
All asking whyShe had so much to live for
I was her best friend
We all cared so muchWere those the lies
You told to Each other?Don't worry momma
I lied too
It wasn't my best friend
In my bed with kenIt was you.