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Item #: SCP-254

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-254 is to be kept in a standard storage locker when not in use. When in storage, it must be placed face-down on the floor of the locker and secured with straps to prevent accidental activation. Use of SCP-254 may be requested by any department head, and must be approved by at least two (2) level-3 personnel. SCP-254 may not be used in a capacity that will result in SCP-254-1’s contact with SCPs posing a memetic contagion hazard. Under no circumstances is SCP-254 to be active in a single department or area for longer than twenty-six (26) days. Reuse is permitted only if the area in question has undergone a complete personnel rotation (i.e. no employees remain who have had previous contact with SCP-254).

Description: SCP-254 is a rectangular wooden plaque measuring 22 cm x 30 cm and weighing approximately 1.5 kg. On the front of the plaque is an empty brass picture holder, as well as a printed metal plate with a black background and gold-colored letters reading “Employee of the Month.” Affixed to the back of the plaque is a standard hanging device.

SCP-254 was discovered in the rubble of a Texaco gas station in ██████, Kansas, on ██/██/195█. A Foundation agent secured SCP-254 after discovering that it had sustained no damage in the explosion that had leveled the gas station and resulted in the deaths of █ employees and ██ civilians .

When SCP-254 is hung on a wall in a work area of 4 or more people, SCP-254-1 will appear soon afterward. SCP-254-1 will arrive either at the end of the next designated break period, or at the beginning of the following work shift. SCP-254-1 is an incorporeal human of variable gender, age, race, name, and appearance, able to manipulate objects in the manner similar to that of a normal human of average strength and coordination. SCP-254-1 will adopt the appearance and persona of a model employee, based on an area’s memetic consensus. Once SCP-254-1’s appearance has been established, an image of SCP-254-1 that appears to be an 8 x 10 glossy photograph fills the empty picture holder, and it will not change until SCP-254 is moved to a new location. Across the bottom of the photograph, in print, is the newly assumed name of SCP-254-1. The photograph cannot be removed from the picture holder by any known means, but it can be torn or ripped. Doing so in an aggressive or purposeful manner results in a violent reaction from SCP-254-1 (see attached recording SCP-254-a: [DATA EXPUNGED] the ██/██/████ incident).

Regardless of appearance, SCP-254-1 maintains a cheerful demeanor at all times. SCP-254-1 is able to carry on conversations about the weather, traffic, the previous night’s TV shows, sports, and other such topics, although SCP-254-1 will never discuss topics of which present individuals have no knowledge. Personnel assigned to work in an area where SCP-254 is in use do not appear alarmed by SCP-254-1’s incorporeal nature or sudden appearance, stating that SCP-254-1 “works here.” Due to local personnel’s reluctance to remove the plaque, or inability to remember to remove the plaque, removal is to be scheduled and performed by off-site personnel.

SCP-254-1 is capable of performing menial tasks quickly and efficiently. When given tasks that require specialized training, although SCP-254-1 does not possess the required expertise, (s)he will attempt them with the usual good attitude, but will perform as well as an average person could be expected to perform. SCP-254-1 will continue to perform as exemplary an employee as possible for a length of time between 28-46 work days, usually ending at the conclusion of a calendar month. If SCP-254 is placed in a workplace several days into a calendar month, SCP-254-1 will act as an effective employee until the end of the following month, although due to the dangers posed by shifting memetic consensus, no use of SCP-254 for longer than 26 days is permitted.

scp:continuação Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora