~Why do you Lie~

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Moonlight spilled into the corridor where she stood. The night's bitter air didn't seem to reach her within the warmth of the hall. She was lost within the building. It was larger than what she was used to navigating; she couldn't remember which turn she had taken and where she should go. Perhaps that wasn't too much of a problem, having a better vision than most at night she could take in the view. The way the snow had coated the flowers outside the window, and the frost that was starting to spread over the window and the grass. She had a garden before her mother's accident. She wondered if there would be any of her favorites there or if she were allowed there.

Trapped within her thoughts she only came back to reality from a soft tap on her shoulder. "You're awake quite late." startled, she jumped ready to defend herself, having expected her father. She knew he wasn't here, and he'd never be seen again but she couldn't seem to let go of the fear that consumed her mind.

"Oh I'm sorry I got lost, I didn't mean to bother you." Her voice came rushed as she nervously looked to the side.

"You're so quick to apologize for the stupidest things, I've met people like you before but none this cluelessly helpless." The girl's cheeks turned red as she crossed her arms. It was natural for her to take on that childish tone to combat his insult.

"I am not helpless or clueless! I can manage on my own, thank you very much." sticking her tongue out lightly she snuck a smile.

Douma raised his brow, confused by her actions. For as long as he's lived and observed humans he's never found one to act like this around him. People were usually so careful around him. Nobody showed a hint of disrespect of any playful nature. He didn't understand her but he liked whatever this expression was. So he did the only thing he could think of at the moment. He leaned closer to observe her. Immediately the girl took a step back with flushed cheeks. "Not helpless, you say? Weren't you the one completely lost and simply staring out into my garden?" He's glad he caught her before she got any further. His private quarters here were off-limits for... reasons. He didn't need a repeat of somebody seeing his eating habits and running. It would be a shame to have his curiosity unanswered.

Alarmed Y/n rolled her eyes and came up with an excuse. "I just stopped because the frost looks pretty!" snickering, the male found himself patting her head as he led her outside. "Where are we going?" her question was met with silence until they came across the doors.

He led her onto the path before stepping in front of her. "Tell me a flower and I'll take you there. Then you're off the bed, it's never a good idea to skip out on sleep." He watched as she nodded and thought for a moment.

"I'd like to see some (flower), if you have any." Her hands fiddled around as she asked her request. Nodding Douma walked in front of her making sure she followed. When she slipped on a particularly icy stone Douma was fast to catch her.

"Do try not to hurt yourself." Douma held onto her hand to keep her balanced. Though he suspected she would be fine he didn't feel like dealing with blood before his meal. He was a bit hungry and well, sometimes control wasn't the best for him around something so sweet whilst he was hungry.

"Sorry." Her apologies were starting to get within his nerves. He'd never met somebody who apologized every other sentence they spoke.

"Please stop apologizing." His voice wasn't angry but it was rather plain. Its tone nearly mirrored her father's tone before he scolded her. It sent a second of panic within Y/n.

"I'm sorry, ah shoot sorry I mean-" Douma snickered as he turned around to press a finger on the girl's lips.

"My my, you certainly are interesting." The false tone of amusement he used wasn't said with enough effort to be at all convincing but she once again ignored it. She seemed to be ignoring lots of flags with this man lately.

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