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Sunny woke up early this time, She had completely forgot about the horse photo shoot she was meant to do at Brightfields with Lilac. "Sunny, You need to head into town for some stuff. I would head now if you want to get Lilac ready for the shoot" Her brother, Jax creaked the door open grabbing a book off her shelf and pulling the curtains to the side revealing the morning light. "Is Dad already at work?" Sunny sat up, Rubbing her eyes "No. He's still in bed but he'll be up soon" Jax answered "Oh, yeah im borrowing this." Jax finished quickly and closed the door again.

When Sunny pulled the blanket off her, She saw it was actually quite sunny. How ironic. "Alright, I'll have a better chance of being on the cover if im matching." Sunny opened her drawers looking for a good outfit. "Maybe purple since her names Lilac. Then again yellow for Sunny" She said to herself and pulling up a sky blue collared shirt "Im sure theres a blue saddlepad, I'll just use yellow" Sunny shrugged grabbing a yellow v-necked shirt and pulled out black leggings. 

After putting them on in a rush, Her hair was pulled straight into a low ponytail and slid on her white converse "Jax, Meet me at the stables later!" Sunny yelled to her brother "Alright, I'll try go on that hack i promised!" He answered and Sunny quickly left

• • •

Sunny skipped into the stables, Lilac was already at the door of her stall waiting very impatiently for her feed. Sunny chuckled lightly and walked up "I'll be back in a minute." She smiled as Lilac rubbed her head begging for the food "Uhm, Hi. Im Zoey" A girl walked up introducing herself as Zoey "Hey, Im Sunny. Nice to meet you" She replied "Is this your horse?" Zoey asked gesturing to the mare. "Yeah, Her names Lilac" Sunny smiled "You can pet her if you'd like, I was just about to feed her" Sunny looked at Zoey smiling to the Thoroughbred "Oh, Thanks." Zoey started to pet Lilac on her neck and Sunny started to lead her to her best friend. Bob.

"Right gang, So, Pony people magazine are visiting the yard today." Sam announced making everyone cheer, "This is our chance to let the stables shine, to spread the word about Brightfields and bring lots and lots of new riders our way." Sam crossed her fingers, Marcus mumbled something as Sunny pet her horse "Speaking of which, This is Zoe. She found Raven, so we owe her big time. Lets make her really welcome." Sam gestured to the girl Sunny met a minute ago

Everyone cheered to Zoe, Sunny had just noticed Lilac started to eat at Bobs hay making Sunny chuckle "If you cant find a chore that needs doing, just come and find Marcus or me." Sam said walking to her office. Sunny made her way over to the three girls on the other side of Bob whispering about something 

"Hey," Marcus greeted Sunny as he walked past "Hey." Sunny turned quickly making Becky gasp, "Dont worry, Im sure he didnt hear your rambling." Sunny assured the girl. Becky pointed to Sunny in awe "I gotta go, Im supposed to meet up with my mom" Zoe started walking away "But you cant leave! You just got here. Plus, I cant carry hay bales on my own. Come on" The blonde dragged Zoe away and Sunny went to get Lilac ready.

• • •

Lilac was eating her own hay as Sunny brushed out her coat, The dirt falling off. Sunny watched as Sam took Zoey off Becky's hand, Becky quickly falling without the extra support making Sunny quickly help out "Thanks, Sunny. Hey do you think they'll let Bob and Lilac both be on the cover?" Becky asked her friend as the held the haystack through the yard "Hm, If we ask the photographer nicely. Maybe!" Sunny smiled as the two dropped it.

• • •

Sunny was braiding Lilac's mane. The whiteness off her coat showed the ginger speckles in the sun beautifully. She pet the horse's neck gently. Sunny looked over seeing Jade and Becky washing Bob quickly. Becky turned around splashing Zoey making Sunny laugh lightly.

Zoey walked out, Minus her denim jacket as the photographer walked in. Sunny stared at the untacked horse and ran to the tack room to grab the matching set to Sunny. Barely paying attention she bumped into Marcus "Ah, Sorry. I just need to tack up Lilac fast" Sunny apolagised grabbing Lilac's tack. "Its okay, Just—Be fast" Marcus said walking out with Sunny heading to her horse

• • • 

Sunny held Lilac as she stood inbetween Susie and Marcus. Mia was with Raven making Sunny get nervous. "This is Raven!" Mia said stealing the attention from Bob. The photographer took quick interest. Zoey was pushed away from Mia's pictures. The camera was triggering Raven to panic. Lilac pat the ground as Mia was about Raven till he suddenly freaked out. Raven reared throwing Mia off. Zoe quickly calmed Raven down

"Sam, Im gonna go for a quick ride" Sunny called out leading Lilac out the arena, When she got into the main area she saw Jax looking at the horses. "Hey Jax, Im sure you can use Major." Sunny pointed to the horse inside his respective stall. The stables were filled with people sorting their horses out and Sunny climbed onto Lilac as Jax finished up tacking Major "Lets just hope no horse spooks." Jax shrugged "Dont worry, They wont spook. Major's bombproof" Sunny shrugged back as Jax started trotting off on Major with Lilac following.

• • •

After the ride. The siblings quickly went home, Sunny ended up falling asleep fast that night but she couldnt keep her mind off the fact. Zoey has a bond with Raven, In exactly 10 weeks the county show try outs would be held, Jax was riding again, Bob could be on the cover, Horse thieves. There was alot actually. The main one was

Jax was riding again.

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