chapter 4

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With Freddie

I felt hurt with Sam I do love her but I feel like didn't love me enough. "Hey Freddie." "Said Missy." "Hey missy." "Said Freddie." Carly forgive her for years but Sam never got along with I why missy really mean with her sometimes she feels like to knock her out and I don't blame her. "Sam." "Said Missy." "Miss." "Said Sam." "Missy." "Said missy." "I don't care." "Said Sam." "Well Freddie should go inside and go out." "Said missy." Once I said my least good bye to Sam she looked really sad. "Bye Sam." "Said Freddie." "Bye Freddie." "Said Sam.

With Sam

I took Melanie back to her hotel I kept on driving I see the same old man from the kids school sitting on the high way. It's rainging out side." "HEY GET DOWN FROM THERE." "Yelled Sam." The old man looks at her and smiles. He disappears. I got scared if he fall from down there. I run to see I see portal I tryed to look harder for man I fall down.

The next morning

I drop of my car I get out. I got to bathroom get the mud of when I took a shower for some reason my grey hair was gone before I look mirror I put my hair in a bun. I get ruin of fog on my mirror I see myself when I was 17. I scream like I am dreaming right now. Carly wakes up and goes see what happened. "What." "Said Sam touching her face." Carly see Sam young and think it's a intruder she gets some things to fight Sam. "No carls it's me Sam." "Said Sam." Once they head the living room she grabs me and her graduation pictures of me getting a baby bump of Freddie Jr. she looks at me. "What the hell." "Said Carly." She drops the picture on top of Sam's private part. " ouch." "Said Sam in pain.

Later that day

Carly looks at Sam. "Can you stop looking at me." "Said Sam." "How did you turn to 17?" "Asked Carly." "I have no ideal. This freaking me out." "Said Sam." "Did you do anything werid to turn back to 17 again?" "Asked Carly." "No." "Said Sam stress out." "Have you had a Spirit guy or women?" "Asked Carly." "Shut up." "Putting her hand on head then she wants Carly ask that again." "Wait want was that question again?" "Asked Sam." "You have a spirit guy or women?" "Asked Carly." Sam had to think of it. "Yes I'm going to school right now. To see what happened." "Said Sam." She goes in her car to the school. Goes to the same locker that use to have. "Hi can help you?" "Asked school Janitor."  "Yes there was this male janitor." "Said Sam." "Um I'm the only janitor." "Said janitor." "Ok well I show him this picture of me and my husband." "Forgetting me she 17 again." "Um this picture was taken 2015." "Said the janitor." The school janitor walks away confused. Sam sees her daughter. "Hey Sadie." "Said Sam." She sees Sam but know who she is and walks away with her jacket puts her hood up. Sam walks away from awkward situation. "Ok spirit guy I don't know what I am supposed to do give what I am to do. She runs to geek club and forgets that Freddie was in there mabye knows somewhat. She drives home goes to Carly. "Carly guess what." "Said Sam." "Did you finger what your spirit guy wants you do?" "Asked Carly." "I think he wants me to go back to high school." "Said Sam."

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