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    I gently look up at her emerald eyes and spoke,

     "What's your name"

     She looked shook and let out one of the most high pitch laughs I heard In my life. I was confused as I thought I was asking a normal question. She smiled and turned away as she walked deeper into the water.

    "The names Beatrix human, or should I call you detective" she giggled.

     I took a minute to process as and looked up,

     "Beatrix.. hey wait how do you know I'm a  detective!", I yelled at her.

      Beatrix laughed more and spins around towards me.

      "How do I not know, oh detective I see you every day, as you fight crime!", she said as she pointed at me.

      She swims towards and picked me up, I was shocked and looked at her as she was crazy.

    "So you're saying you watch me! Don't you have stuff better to do! And why are you picking me up! I yelled.

     I was embarrassed, not only does she know me, it seems like she's better than me too. She gently took me to shore and placed me on the sand.

    "Your an impressive human ill day detective, no one notices me, but when they do they scream" she got closer to me as only one of her eyes was shown, " Are you scared of me detective", she grinned widely.

   I gently pushed her away and closed my eyes facing my head up, " Well yeah if you keep getting close to me! And why are you calling me human!" I yelped.

   Her eyes widened and looked at me as if I was stupid. She then laughed out of control and pushed her hair out of her face showing her other eye.

   "Oh you are a dumb human indeed, can't you tell, I'm fisling", she said looking at me.

   I froze as she told me. I couldn't believe it since it sounded so unrealistic.

  "A fisling? Are you a fish?!" I quickly crawled away.

   She crawled closer and made a scary face and said

   "Why yes! A Barracuda! I'm going to eat you alive!"

   I quickly closed my eyes and stood there as she watched. I heard her burst out laughing again to the point she gasping for air.

   "Hey hey what's so funny!", I said as I opened my eyes.

    I could see her smiling and her tearing upon how much she was laughing. For some reason, my fear went away. She looked normal, nothing like I would imagine a Fishling would look like. Even though this is my first time seeing one and hearing of one.

   "T-then if you're a fish why are you on land! And look human", I spoke out.

   She controlled her laughter and goer right back up towards me. With a gentle smile and said,

   "My people are the great always been this way, we were here before you, we are what so-called humans would be if you never left the water", she explained and slowly got up, "but walking is new for me as I am the youngest of my family, I don't get out of water that much".

   I looked up at her as she explained and was interested even more. I never heard of them yet they knew so much about my kind. I got up slowly as I held onto my left arm, it was slowly getting better but still hurt.

  "Is your arm okay now?", Beatrix asked as she walked towards me.

   I nodded my head yes and looked closer at her face, I noticed a scar on her face.

   "What's that?", I pointed towards it in Curiosity.

  "Oh this, this is my first battle scar! With a spike!" She said with honor and moved her hair out the way more for me to see it more clearly.
   "Would you like to know more?" She tilts her head and asked me.

   "Oh uh sure," I told her as I kept looking at the scar.

    We both sat down on the border of rocks around the beach. I spent the rest of that night listening to her stories about it. I can see and feel her excitement as she talked about it. A bit strange for someone to be proud of a scar but I didn't mind.

   "And boom! The guy aimed at me with the spike and shoot! The spikes have a robe to get it from getting lost I find it cute" Beatrix smiled and kicked her feet up and down.

   "When you mean spike you mean a harpoon right?" I asked her as I started to piece things together.

   "No spike", she spoke back.

   "Harpoon," I said then looked at the bullet she pulled from my arm, "what is this called?" I asked.

   "A rock", Beatrix answered confused by my asking.

   "It's a bullet," I told her as I put the bullet back away.

    "You humans with thee weird names!" She put her arms up in confusion then slowly looked at my arm.

   "But you and I are the same now, I have a scar on the face and you have a scar on my arm" she giggled.

   " I believe so," I looked at my red bright fabric she wrapped around it.

   Beatrix looked up at the sky and as the sun was rising and the stars were fading and spoke gently,

   "Scars makes us special you know"

•*My Dearest Beatrix*• {Soto X Beatrix}Where stories live. Discover now