Chapter 1: Catch up

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Destin P.O.V:

A lot has happened since me and Fizz. We got a divorce and now he is married and has a baby on the way. I am excited for him. Im not supposed to feel sad because we both have moved on from each other.

After we divorced I had a nervous breakdown and it was a really tough time for me. I was very sad and barely saw the light until my dad and stepmom came in and woke me up and made me clean myself up and move on but in my own progress. I appreciate that because they made me who I am today. A beautiful,strong,intelligent, and free woman.

My children have grown up to be very handsom and cute. They have A LOT of hair so its very hard to tame in the mornings. Especially Cameron's.

Joi P.O.V:

I hope you remember me but i am Joi. I am light skinned with a lot of hair and i am very smart for my age....well thats what mommy says.

Dont tell mommy this but the kids at school mess with me. The girls say that I think im better than them because my hair is very long and im lighter than them and have a lot of money. None of the boys do but i wanna tell mommy soon. But not now.

Cameron P.O.V:

Hi, im cam and im thwee yeaws old.
I have two sistews . My daddy will have thwee  kids aftew my sistew is bown. Jo-jo told me that mommy and daddy were together once. When I was a baby. I want them back togethew. I like ms.naomi but still...daddy and mommy have cute babies.

Kiyyah P.O.V:

So yeah 3 years ago I had my son a month after Destin had hers. In the end it wasnt Fizz's child it was Tyga's.  I hate that i messed up their relationship but hey bitches need some good dick at least once.

Anyways, I am still a stripper and my stripper name is Blac Chyna. Me and Tyga went out after I had my son King Cairo Stevenson. Then I went with Drake and everybody said I was just a rapper hopper. Well I did make Tyga and Drake have beef but oh well.

Fizz P.O.V:

Since then my life has been great. I have a new wife named Naomi and a daughter named Isabelle on the way. Kiyyah's son wasnt mine and I was happy even though it ruined my marriage. Joi and Cameron have been very distant from me lately and I will find out sooner or later whats wrong but now all I want is for us to be happy.

Naomi P.O.V:

Well I am new to you all and my name is Naomi. Me and Fizz have been married to each other for 1 year and 1/2. He took my virginity and now we have a beautiful baby girl on the way and her name is Isabelle. It was against my religion to have children or sex before marriage. After he took my virginity and I told him I was pregnant a couple months after he was very happy. I'm glad that he only has two kids because my house is only 6 bedrooms so if tɦere are other children they have to share beds. The two children tɦat he does have are very smart,artistic,and funny. Recently, they have  been distant from me and Fizz. I want to find out why and also meet their mother. I wonder what she was like

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