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"Hello Harrison."
Said an octopus pouring tea on himself at a tea table in- space?
Oh no not this 𝑎𝑔𝑎𝑖𝑛.
"I've only recently been able to control your dreams and remind you of some old memories, sense your a lucid dreamer. I just wanted to remind you because I wanted to tell you your brother says "hi" okay bye now" I floated? Away and woke up . I was just traumatized for a second time. All that for a hi? I slept all day had those horrible nightmares just for a hi? Quartermaster traumatized me but atleast I knew what was going on? I don't even know anymore. I looked over and got jump scared by Max just standing there.

"What the- max?" I'm still half asleep thinking about everything that just happened and the fact that I'm not going to sleep tonight also thinking about all those night-dreams or mares I don't know I'm just, glad I'm here at camp with everybody so I feel (more) safe and at ease, that doesn't include nurf not him though. Or Neil. Or- you know what maybe just Gwen and David. I forgot max was standing right In front of me and got jump scared again by his death-stare glaring right at me.

"Harrison I still can't find the salt."

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